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Eric Cuntman

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Everything posted by Eric Cuntman

  1. Eric Cuntman

    Bell End

    Sounds fucking great! You grab the afghan Cush ,I'll chuck a mattress in the back of the fiesta and I'll see you in the morning.
  2. This site gets better by the minute. Spent half the day trying to get bill to let me beat him up and the other half reminiscing about getting beaten up 20 years ago!
  3. Earlier on Manky mentioned Oldham had a firm called kennys cruisers but I'm fucking sure they were called " fine young casuals" any recollection?
  4. Started as scout with cockney fire starters and moved up to b mob, happy days charging down the hill past the Arthur wait turnstiles. Did you know billy or the big fella who changed his middle name to charlton?
  5. Eric Cuntman

    Bell End

    Oh my fucking god you have repeated this at least eleven times now.and I haven't gone running to teacher as you seem to believe I have. Shut your whiny little pussy gob or do as I suggested a minute ago and jam franks cock in it . Don't try sucking your own though as that would barely qualify as a toothpick............ Am I getting funny enough for you yet bitch??
  6. Eric Cuntman

    Bell End

    Are you still bleating about losing your little friends Quincy? And you accuse me of being boring. Just email them, meet up and you can all suck each other off in daisy chain formation. Then your mouths will be full and the rest of us will be spared the avalanche of shit that normally pours from them.now go and find some pants to sniff and stop whining you fucking pussy.
  7. Eric Cuntman

    Bell End

    I know of a village called Outer Labia, that's definitely a bit of a cunt.
  8. Yeah I know , but as half the cunts on here appear to be 12 year olds there's fuck all chance they've heard it before.
  9. Why-aye, two's on ya tabs man?
  10. The other day I was shopping in B&Q and a man in an orange and black uniform came up to me and asked if I wanted decking. Fortunately I got the first punch in and that was that, others may not be so lucky though so be on your guard and watch out for this cunt! ............................................................. Now that's funny. Stop lecturing and entertain us Quincy
  11. Frank and bill aren't funny though, go through their shit and anyone can see its bland as gruel, frank posts a picture of a hairy tramp and everyone else has to try and find amusement in it. He is a boring pseudo intellectual with fuck all to say. Even bubba calling me " the spastic son of a nazi raped farmhand" was funnier than franks material. Stop fucking idolising him and you might be funny yourself. He's probably at home now wearing a smoking jacket and practising facial expressions in a mirror. Bill is one of his sheep and also not funny. And if as you say I managed to engineer his downfall then I must already be a CC leviathan, and I don't believe that any more than you do. None of his clique can exist here without the group mentality that they cling to. In short the playground gang that fold and break when their numbers are depleted.and you can't deny it because too many members have said the same fucking thing.anyway you be as funny as you can and I'll try and be as funny as I can. Goodnight and stop trying to give me mr miaggi comedy lessons.
  12. Say something funny then you fucking hypocrite. You obviously have yourself pegged as the content editor of the site fuck off and work for your local council telling everybody to be careful In case they upset some Muslims, or just don't read my posts you sanctimonious prick
  13. I don't mind my little silhouette, I just drew loads of little dots on the screen of this phone so it looks like it has eyes when I move it around, I might be shit with IT but I can work a sharpie with the best of 'em
  14. Only because all the worst cunts in Chelmsford are banged up in the prison taking it in turns to arserape frank ( nice cauliflower cheese on Wednesdays )
  15. And as you say, it's an anonymous website so why is everybody hung up about avatars? Avatar by definition is a fucking shit cartoon film about anorexic smurfs loosely based on the suffering of red Indians who have fuck all to complain about anymore cos they all own casinos and have got rich off of the inbred OxyContin munching descendants of the cunts who fucked them over in the first place( and they got to meet jimmy nail in that last series of aufWeidershein pet) the whiny totem humping cunts. Fuck you James Cameron you minority arse kissing twat.
  16. Fuck me that's what I was thinking. He'll start trying to teach me tai chi next
  17. Noted. But to be fair to myself I came on here to exercise the parts of my brain that don't normally get a workout, not to tell porkies, and I haven't told any. Believe what you will though.
  18. Never met the cruisers, was too busy getting kicked in by new castles firm,the remnants of the headhunters and the bushwackers, who for some reason used to turn up at valley every other week, even when they were supposed to be at home. I doubt any of the millwall cunts could even find their own ground at cold blow lane. Portsmouth were quite handy, weren't they called the 657 crew on account of their train departure time???
  19. Oh look, shitcunt pansy boy is getting jittery now his master has been shitcanned an stickers and I have reached a truce of sorts. Don't worry sweetie pie, I bet if you rummage through your bedroom collection( mind the spunk rags and bottles of piss under the bed) you will find an old mega drive and have a comfort wank over the Chinese looking bird from tekken. ( and I bet it was you that reported me you little pansy). Shitcunt . Can't help using that word with you shitcunt
  20. Oh look pussyhole number 4 has been let out of franks puppy crèche, if you're looking for a forever home I hear battersea has a few spare cages just before Xmas , and don't worry about Rolf Harris turning up to fiddle with your tiny puppy cock,, he's been locked away,probably arseraping your former master frank right now. Now run along fido and find some other leg to piss up til your best daddy gets released.
  21. I'm trying to get back to form, in the late 80's I was a fucking supersonic apex level terrace cunt at selhurst and later back home at the valley. But that was all rather nasty and now I'm trying to direct the aggression into becoming a top level cerebral cunt instead because it's more mature..I can't believe I just typed that last bit about maturity considering today's activity on here
  22. Not going anywhere, just needed to get off the floor dust down and sharpen the axe, the thing with bullies is that the more times you get up and stand there ready for the next punch the more layers of their confidence get stripped away, until eventually the bullies end up as little quivering wrecks wobbling and ready to be trampled on. That's exactly what's going to happen to those cunts because I always get up.
  23. I thought I told you to fuck off shitcunt. Don't worry franks anal cavity will be back to provide you with shelter soon
  24. Why ? Are you looking to expand your harem? Oh I get it, Roadkill just blew you out again.
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