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Eric Cuntman

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Everything posted by Eric Cuntman

  1. And pierrepoint was the fucking spitting image of Barry out of auf weidershein pet!!
  2. Wasn't Ruth Ellis played on telly by that bird who was queenie in blackadder 2?
  3. I tried to hit "like" on that one but I've wasted my 10 today giving mine to EC coz he moaned that he didn't have enough, the vote fixing fucker!
  4. See what I mean, total discrimination against left handers, if they'd had wooden grips I would have ground off that fucking ridge
  5. It kills the brain last when injected so you're probably about to tell me not to bother with it coz I would survive anyway.
  6. The ones I'm going to empty into your slippery love tunnel as soon as you PM me the address of of your loony bin.
  7. No but there's a fuckload of morphine in the house.
  8. Ratcatchers were fucking great for a jumped up air pistol with a bit more range. Isn't it a shame that firework manufacturers now put that shit in the powder so we can no longer split them open, pour into a crimped copper pipe and make bombs.
  9. Webley tempest and the longer barrelled but otherwise identical hurricane were great pistols but I am left handed and the grips had a thumb suage ridge on the left hand side so I didn't get on too well with them.
  10. If you take a look at roadkills artwork from last night you'll notice that he has great tits and bubba is portrayed as the kind of American male who hangs around roadside diners trying to pick up teenage girls and later rape them in the back seat of a Chevy camaro. I however am portrayed as a member of the ku klux klan with a stock portfolio.
  11. Leave penny alone quince, I am embarked on a campaign of seduction, I can't wait to find out what lurks beneath those Tena-pants.
  12. At least he has that nice comfy premier inn bed all to himself now. I remember the two of them visiting Ethiopia for a comic relief mission, I bet they really appreciated seeing what it looked like to eat 14 meals a day.
  13. Ok I'll bite, what do you call a dog with a spade??? You're going to say dawn French aren't you?
  14. Unless you're Hugh grant and you have a fuck ugly rancid prostitute on your lap
  15. Be careful what you wish for, walking round in circles on a motorway slip road shouting "DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE I LIVE?" Is not a cool look.
  16. There now I've wasted another one of mine out of sympathy!
  17. Fuckin hell, has lady p taken control of your mind
  18. Have you seen vlad putins judo demos. The monumental wannabe plastic hard cunt.
  19. I had my smoothbore cert' revoked cos didn't use it for a year. Dunno how I'm gonna defend the ponderosa from maraudin injuns now.
  20. Typical yank, nearly managed to breech jam a round on an open receiver entry level .22 target pistol. Might have trouble holstering that one.
  21. The decent ones have an anti bear trap mech to avoid that happening
  22. I fucking hate those shitty Chinese things. The b2 was the under lever and the b1 was the break barrel. I just used to buy them to experiment with. A company called "sports marketing" took them over and tried to make them into 3rd rate copies of the weirauch hw95 and hw97. Fucking sacrilege.
  23. Do you remember the "gat" pistol? Telescopic barrel cocking, five minutes to unscrew the breech load pin and came in the box with feather darts and corks that you could shove in the muzzle if you just wanted to shoot your sister and not get in too much trouble. Loads of fun for £9.99
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