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Everything posted by ratcum

  1. ratcum


    Chimps are superior to Royals in almost every way. They live in a hostile environment and receive no mandatory stipend from the public purse. I reckon they could get better 'A' levels than any of the Royals and would never choose to dress up as Hitler.
  2. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune cunts on here. I've got your back Jewdy
  3. ratcum


    Eilish McColgan. Look love, just like Damon Hill, Jacque Villeneuve, Ronnie Hitler etc, you'll never be as good as your mum. Just give it up eh?
  4. ratcum

    Bus Wankers

    Oh the grand old Duke of York, He had congenital spherocytosis
  5. fuckin hell Jiggly, you been down the library again?
  6. ratcum

    Bus Wankers

    He's our small town, parochial rant-merchant Wiz, and neither of us would have it any different. Without him, I would have gassed the whole of Salford.
  7. reported for being off planet
  8. ratcum

    Bus Wankers

    A post about football? You old barbarian Jewdy! PINK FINAL!!
  9. I know a girl named Ramadan alamalamadingdong Rat
  10. Aid in exchange for shit wipes? You clever bastard Authoritah!
  11. ratcum

    Danny fuckin Rose

    Good old Eddie! As fast as a whippet's shit and just as elusive.
  12. I would use a baby from a family on benefits in Hartlepool. I wouldn't rinse the little fucker in salt water mind. That's just barbaric.
  13. I don't trust his arse Stub. He might be one of these sentient cervixes that have been cropping up recently. Israeli I think.
  14. ratcum

    2 dads 1 baby

    Are these the same rules that Roops basically makes up when she's on the rags, in order to win an argument?
  15. ratcum

    2 dads 1 baby

    I love you Deco. Bite me
  16. ratcum


    "Cursing with Jane McDonald" Or at least that's what it should be called.
  17. ratcum


    do you know that feeling of satisfaction you get from unblocking a drain or delivering strangling a harlequin baby?
  18. ratcum

    Meghan markle

    presumably I can still kill someone with lead DC? Or have it as the murder weapon in Cluedo?
  19. ratcum


    For the fine residents of Peterborough there's always Cock Dogging. Participants take their cockerel to a secluded carpark, where people who are not familiar with the bird, engage in lewd acts with it.
  20. ratcum


    Genius CB. Also, your Rollerball has got me thinking of "Rotherball". Imagine that well known meltdown retard, once of this very site, being killed over and over again.
  21. ratcum


    Instead of the separate barbaric 'sports' of dog fighting and cock fighting, why not simply combine them? 'Dog cocking' would involve dogs strapped upright to little trolleys, with their peckers facing outward like a knight's lance. The trolleys would be radio controlled and the audience could strangle cockerels whilst watching. Much less stress for the animals and RSC approval to boot! Rat
  22. Cunty BigBollox, Eric Cuntman, Neil and 2 others reacted to this
  23. Women's football. Two questions: 1. Why? 2. Why the clothes?
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