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Everything posted by ratcum

  1. it only takes one punch from Ruiz to fully connect..
  2. massively fucked up isn't it CB?
  3. Ruiz has put weight on and Joshua's lost some. If the former can make it a slugfest rather than the art of boxing, he will win again.
  4. ratcum

    Celine Dion

    I'm going back to my Clement Atlee 'flick' book after this gargoyle
  5. I wouldn't dream of it CB. I bet you've never seen Kenneth Kaunda and the old black and white King Kong at the same time. Uncanny.
  6. the earth will survive anything MC. Mankind is only looking at things from a species-centric point of view. "Oh we'll miss the magnificent tiger and the cutesy polar bears etc blah blah blah." We ourselves will die out but there's plenty of other critters that will simply piss themselves laughing at our demise. That @Eric Cuntman and his odious commensals will no doubt crawl out from under a rock somewhere and resume their doleful existence
  7. In Linnaean classification it's known as the type species, the one most typical of the group. Gorilla gorilla for instance is the most gorillary of the gorillas.
  8. I look closely at their names CB. Even if they change them, there's often still a discernible 'stem'. So Mr Leon Monster might be called Mr. Leon Mons. Some have their trade subsumed into their surname, for example, Mr Stab or Mr Strangle.
  9. ratcum


    I honestly don't remember his arse at all Deco. Is it the rarefied atmosphere of super cuntdom I exist in do you think? I barely even notice the also rans on here these days and some veterans like Lady P have gone potty.
  10. ratcum


    I used to regard Malta, Gibraltar and Cyprus as pretty much the same thing. I'd burn most of their respective inhabitants and turn the land over to wildlife and women with feet bigger than size 7.
  11. I'm thrilled his dead Beastly but would have enjoyed the death throws of others as a starter
  12. ratcum

    Owen Jones

    you monumental dog turner
  13. I agree with you Jewdy. The media coverage was simply terrible, making it sound like Pomeroy was hacked to pieces in front of his son, whilst delivering a baby, selling poppies and discovering a new antibiotic. Utter bollocks. Jeffrey Epstein couldn't leave it alone either.
  14. I agree Eddie. I'd flamethrower the useless cunts but they'd probably still keep going until they were crispy. Step children are no better mind. Burn the fuckers.
  15. eating Nigerians is frowned upon round our way CB. Killing them is obviously still okay
  16. ratcum


    there's a danger people might think you're friends CB. Remember what happened to Rothers when he sussed you were just leading him on.
  17. good old Nelly, like a goose with a calculator jammed in its crop
  18. I refuse to cheapen myself or the posters deserving of compliment MC
  19. actually I'm a James Underhill fan, excepting of course his worship of that Prussian ponce Humboldt.
  20. I don't want to go all ethnolinguistic on you Deco, but US weltanschauung is not dissimilar to Blighty's. Witness the uncannily perfect fit of any past prime minister's anus with any presidential cock. In Thatcher's case we could extend that accommodation to fannies and mouths. My wholesome interest in chickens simply couldn't exist if I adopted the blinkers blindfold of cultural relativism.
  21. I wish I had your experience in these matters CB. I suppose a fuck's out of the question? Me and Eric don't do it anymore
  22. good old Killer, Like Himmler with a gas bill; buzzin!
  23. there comes a time in a man's life, when his thoughts turn to behaving inappropriately with a chicken or other bird. I'm at that point now CB. How should I 'sex' a bird before approaching it and is this necessary anyway?
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