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Everything posted by ratcum

  1. Boney M's Ma Baker was quite good, but that fuckin midget cunt bloke in the band should have been gassed
  2. Best to get as many Bakers as possible then. Matt Baker from The One Show. Chet Baker for being called Chet. Paul Hollywood.
  3. Danny Baker, now I'd pay to see the passing of that pointless chubby fuck
  4. You know Frank this sort of barbed comment cheapens you and taints my experience of the site as well. Franxit, unthinkable a year ago, now seems like a very real possibility.
  5. ratcum

    Olympic Bollocks

    Keirin, Omnium, Madison, match sprint... Just get on the bastard bike and fucking ride the cunt
  6. I think Jimmy Savile may have found things over tight on occasion
  7. ratcum

    Cunts In-Law

    good avatar bub, I'm a big fan
  8. Just the London Gazette for me Deco. I once dreamt I was sent in to widen Princess Margaret's cervix with a chainsaw though.
  9. I blame it on his breakfast of tampons gobbo.
  10. Stokesley is a dark and terrible place OB
  11. Is she really called sultana? Makes you wonder what her raisins were for going though, especially in the currant climate. Grape stuff though, the thread I mean.
  12. ratcum

    Jack Whitehall

    I agree Scotty. However, if his dad had cancer of the nob and little Jack attempted to blow him off on stage, surely there would be a modicum (see what I did there?) of chortle?
  13. now find your way home you old cronk
  14. digitally remaster your extensive back catalogue
  15. Apparently this cunt is trying to re-invent brand Wiggins which has somewhat fallen out by the wayside. Well here's a bit of lepidopterist advice Bradders: TRY FUCKING SMILING YOU MISERABLE BASTARD!! Also stop knocking other sports people who go on Strictly or some such bollocks.
  16. Certainly worthy of further research. Would you do it in the field or back in the laboratory?
  17. I know we don't see it so much these days sac boy, but did you have to wear leg callipers when you were young? Possibly nicknamed clank by other children?
  18. think of the fire hazard. Rospa probably have data on this.
  19. Fuck yeah Deco. Couple of Babyshams and you're in I reckon
  20. Good thread. This fucking Americanisation makes me puke. I think it comes from the US Air Force 'all you can bomb' mantra. Fucking cunts
  21. In my Father's house there are many mansions. If there weren't, I wouldn't fuck you about like this. Or would I? Spoketh David Harvey after the useless Gary Sprake had let in 5 against Bethlehem
  22. And Terry Cooper did kicketh to death the Assyrians and cut off 5000 foreskins that day. "Assur Banipal (Spurs) is a cunt" saideth Johnny Giles
  23. "You'll never take me alive you slags" said Jesus unto the cunts
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