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Everything posted by ratcum

  1. ratcum

    Let Them Eat Cake.

    ..and lo, on the third day he rose and Mary Slagdelene didn't recognise his arse
  2. ratcum

    Let Them Eat Cake.

    I've watched your video Costas. Playing it backwards revealed your deep love for Jewdy. Clever.
  3. They are bastards indeed
  4. In my father's house there are many mansions
  5. ratcum

    Cashpoint Cunts

    Intellectually, he tended to rely on his whippet but his arse had British spunk in gallons. I loved him.
  6. ratcum

    Cashpoint Cunts

    Wise advice Wizzo. All my emails are copied to Jewdy's account at his secure unit. His carers say it helps his with his long term decline
  7. I already did this Punko, safe in the knowledge that Plod would take weeks respond, go to the wrong house and blame a black person.
  8. There's always a first time CB.
  9. Pete Burns? I wish I'd tried that before he died
  10. I buried mine under our lawn and was worried that two person shaped patches might start to exhibit atypical growth.
  11. They can always find money for London shit like the Crossrail or repairs after the Blitz. I hate Londoners and Phil Collins
  12. Early in Motorhead's career I remember reading that if they moved in next to you, your lawn would die
  13. ratcum

    Cashpoint Cunts

    Well it's fucked up quite a few things like my Hotmail. Cunts
  14. BBC called Burns a pop legend. Eh?
  15. ratcum

    Cashpoint Cunts

    my normal login (on Windows Explorer) is fucked. What's going on?
  16. ratcum

    Scary Clowns

    It'll be a hollow experience Luke. Adoration yes, but not from the cognoscenti, just nouveau cunts who know the price of everything but ....etc.
  17. ratcum

    Scary Clowns

    Cheap Quisling whore
  18. ratcum


  19. You're right of course Zorba. I should die with dignity. Then not die without it.
  20. It's not the real Frank gypo, just an ordinary person dressed up. Just like the monsters on Doctor Who you see.
  21. ratcum


    Thanks for the tip CB. Unfortunately phylogenetics is really ripping up the rulebook of classification. Red pandas have been moved from panda club to just regular bear club. As this was on a free transfer, I can see them eventually slipping into the minor leagues, like Scousers did. Honey badgers are now closer to Volvo V40s by the way. I know my earwigs though. Fuck yeah.
  22. ratcum

    Sunday roast

    Just like Jesus died to forgive us our sins, you ate that curry so the rest of us could have the carvery. Well done Deebly.
  23. ratcum


    I like the cut of your jib on here Donny but you've fucked up badly with this comment. It's caraway seeds with badger, not thyme. Unless you were thinking of the Asiatic Stink Badger of course.
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