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Everything posted by ratcum

  1. ratcum


    After this Michelle Obama 'Ape' thing I can only think of our own Ape in a pair of heels
  2. ratcum


    I hope not. I'm already too popular on here!
  3. ratcum


    Why is there all this stuff about black people on tele at the moment? I was in the biscuit aisle the other day, reaching for a packet of 'Nice'. Well the fuckers were anything but nice! All the brexit this and Farage that. "Fuck!" I ejaculated, "it's started again!"
  4. Fuck, are things so bad on here that you want me to bring back Captain Meltdown? There's things growing in my garden with higher IQs than that hopeless chode. Anyway, I think he fused with Jewdy in some disgusting cockney pagan ceremony. They're known as Rewdy now.
  5. it's what she have wanted Killer. Whatever the fuck that means
  6. I know! It was for charity but that's no excuse for such thickery. If I was in charge of the charity in question, I'd dump her and get someone with an IQ greater than 10.
  7. good answer and only slightly cuntish
  8. Actually she did say she knew WC and Gracie in them days
  9. You fuckin lezza Punkly, Eric was being ionic!
  10. My Aunty Vi used to do abortions in the old days. You soon knew which side your eggs were buttered then, I'll tell you. She had to push Mad Frankie's eye back in after a Messerschmidt caught it
  11. I thought Michael Schumacker was still poorly
  12. Sorry, can't agree with you there Fast Eddie, even concerning a drip like Still Bickers. In the end he's just a boring little tit and completely harmless. Without the intellectual capacity to reason or argue effectively, his sort just gets hissy and all hot and bothered. Seen it many times on here.
  13. I ain't no grass either Ericly. You do get them on here occasionally, although fuck knows why. Jewdy was the worst, he grassed up my Aunty Vi for smashing dogs with a mallet. A mallet! I ask you! You can't get more humane than a mallet these days. She knew The Krays. "You 'ad respect in them days Ratty" she used to say to me when I was shat on her lap
  14. They had a woman footballer on Celebrity Mastermind the other day. Anyone who had just tuned in could be forgiven for thinking her specialist subject was "saying pass all the time" . Horrendously thick and physically painful to watch.
  15. ratcum

    My Boss.

    There was a lad in my class at school called Gary. Well you can imagine the rest...
  16. Cats will always be superior. They don't chase a fuckin ball like dogs and homo footballists do for a start.
  17. ratcum

    The truth.

    It's Walnut the whippet. I've got caught up in the national mourning. It's like fucking Diana all over again.
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