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Everything posted by ratcum

  1. Are you anything like your avatar Stickly? By that I mean embittered low rent tranny with anger issues
  2. ratcum


    The 'Studies' moniker remains a useful indicator of utter uselessness. I suppose we should be grateful folk aren't doing Geography Studies yet. A friend of Rat Junior's took American Studies and must have done very well. She certainly didn't get the irony of me saying "Haven't they got 320 million Americans doing that for us already?"
  3. ratcum

    Oscar Cainer

    rancour is the best word for Ross
  4. ratcum


    it certainly helps Bill. Thanks
  5. ratcum

    Oscar Cainer

    Rivron's an odd fish. Existing as he does in that limbo between unfunny and Treblinka, he needs stamping to death to finally break through
  6. ratcum

    Oscar Cainer

    I don't know if this helps at all CB, but when a jap says "Osaka" the middle syllable is delivered in a truncated, snappy fashion. Basically they are saying Oscar.
  7. ratcum


    sounds like we're married Jackie
  8. ratcum


    I can no longer buy sausages due to an irrational fear that they might bum me. Ice skating is similarly a no no these days
  9. And I'm just Authoritah full stop
  10. ratcum


    That's okay then
  11. RAT TOP TIP: Go to a fancy dress party but put fuck all effort into your costume. When some cock inevitably asked what you've come as, you can reply crisply: "Disparate Dan" They won't know what this means, but it will induce sufficient cognitive dissonance to bring on suicidal thoughts. You can carry on repeating this all evening.
  12. ratcum


    Gibson, did you play Benny in Crossroads?
  13. snakebite, black velvet, blah, blah, blah. Just drink the fuckin stuff as it was meant be consumed
  14. ratcum


    I was looking back at some archive material of this site (strangely held on another site) Jackie. I was a total head-fuck in those days so be glad I'm far more moderate now.
  15. I think you mean your career trajectory CB
  16. All I know is he's not the man I married Ericly
  17. Does Mrs Killer know you're writing about her on here?
  18. who are you, the Fat fuckin Controller or summat?
  19. Roy Wood was shit wasn't he?
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