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Everything posted by ratcum

  1. cunt. Just sploofed out a mouthful of perfectly good salmon
  2. Except on facebook where you can say anything
  3. and those energy piss drinks they put their Tesco value vodka in
  4. The government should lace the Burberry caps these fucks buy with something that sterilises them. No point in actually exterminating them as they could be put to work in the fields.
  5. ratcum


    When I met you Deco, you were a brownshirt
  6. My mum's dead and so is Minty, so what in Oddi's sphincter is this going to do for me you drawling twat?
  7. ratcum


    or "I know you're a lezzer"
  8. ratcum


    I saw one of those Bentley off-roaders yesterday. What a travesty! It looked like they'd started with a London black cab, had it ass fucked by cave trolls, then kept in a giant veal crate on a diet of lard. The finishing shop must have employed our very own Stanley tools pinup boy, Fender.
  9. you're right Ape, so long as we both keep the tit bit I'm happy
  10. ratcum


    You say this but it's unlikely to actually happen. Giving employees nut based remuneration will not see their wholesale replacement with haplorhine or hominid primates. How would they know where to go or perform the tasks of the previous incumbents?
  11. ratcum


    and satnavs. Maybe Paul Daniels has been reincarnated inside my Tomtom?
  12. That's not an old cowboy film. What about "A Fistful of Tampons"?
  13. I can't wait for all the old cowboy films to be remade with lesbians as all the leading rolls. "Custer's Last Munch" to name but one.
  14. It should be. It's fuckin obscene. The Black Death is making a comeback though, so things ain't all bad
  15. ratcum


    Bernie's sucked the tit of a 3 year old? Beyond fucked up. Positively Frank in fact.
  16. ratcum


    I caught sight of a headline saying Bernie Ecclestone has been breast feeding in public. That's fucked up that is.
  17. ratcum


    the wizard cunt (in all his devilish forms) should be gassed
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