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Everything posted by ratcum

  1. ratcum

    Racist BAFTA's

    I will supply a pic of Katyn forest, pre-shrunk to the requisite number if megabytes
  2. ratcum

    Racist BAFTA's

    It's too late for me Jewdy Save yourself
  3. ratcum

    Racist BAFTA's

    'Hmmmmm, could itself be controversial Grotto. Imagine if you were standing by a deep hole filled with corpses and went "Hmmmmm" with a satisfied inflection.
  4. ratcum

    Thomas The Goose

    you vapid trollop I'm going to call you Anthony from now on
  5. She probably wasn't expecting a black face to loom up in front of her. Maybe she thought you were going to ravish her?
  6. ratcum


    you should retire from all this moderator bollocks and return to the back benches
  7. ratcum


    yes but who is he Jewdy?
  8. ratcum


    Who's the thick working class bloke commentating on the luge and the skeleton bob events? He's ghastly in a northern footballish sort of way
  9. Well spotted Soles! Poor old Flappers hasn't thought this through has he? Your Flexible Friend Ratcum
  10. I'm saving those for Antiques Roadshow's John Benjamin.
  11. They do say brown is the new black Gypo
  12. apparently they play a Royal Mail based game, where one is the postman and the other the post box
  13. Plugging Africans? We should all work for Oxfam Hammer Boy
  14. I'm also donating all my old condoms to Oxfam
  15. I'm going to ask Admin to donate all my 'likes' to a little brown child in Africa. Apparently they'll write to me and I can have a stuffed toy model of them too. You also get updates like: my first malaria my first amputation etc.
  16. Good one Scrotal. I hope he gets ass fucked by a band of marauding guerrillas from the local zoo
  17. If that Chemmy Alcott pissed in her high heels, I'd gladly drink it. Maybe with some lemonade to have a piss spritzer
  18. best at what exactly? Disproportionate, unprovoked expletive laden attacks on emotionally retarded fuckwits? ...actually you are fuckin good at that Franny Poos
  19. not you with this 'likes' shit as well Stubble? I hate this bollocks and never want to see another like for as long as I rule live. Have some Ratterands instead
  20. doin thangs blud, just doin thangs an pimpin shit
  21. Imagine if you excised an actual vagina, from a Tory MP for example, then whilst poaching it over a gas burner, fuckin lions turn up and eat your arse. Cuntery in the extreme I'd say
  22. Can you get your Michael Jackson skin whitener on prescription Jewdy? Get down baby Lay it on me brother ...later
  23. Brilliant name for a band Jiggly. Johnnie Foetus and The Coat Hangers salute you
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