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Everything posted by ratcum

  1. I saw a heavy set bloke in his late 30s Killer. He was wearing very white Lonsdale trainers and had some sort of product in his hair. I stuck a 'foot and mouth' label on him and his cheap whore wife, and called the authorities. By now the two of them and hopefully much of their family will have been burned.
  2. Oh no! He's potted the brown after screwing in off the pink! Oh no, what's happening to the white?
  3. If you say "Rhyl" three times, your penis invaginates and you feel a bit of cunt.
  4. ratcum


    Oh go on then. See me after prep
  5. How many coons has he killed?
  6. I pray for the day when it's some rich New York business man that's getting chewed Stub. A fat one from Borough Park for instance
  7. ratcum


    Of fuck you've turned into 'Eavens. Kill yourself minky
  8. ratcum


    Way ahead of you Luke
  9. Fuck me! Jewdy talking sense?
  10. Kindly keep your underclass associations to yourself van person.
  11. I agree with Wizzle; if my rudd had turned amber, I'd have had it frozen, burned or cut off ages ago.
  12. I miss the tobacco sponsorship Grotty. I used to try and guess what type of cancer the chronic coughers in the audience had. And how long they'd live
  13. ratcum

    Windrush cunts

    At last! Back to the Pen we all know; a datum line of all things cack
  14. ratcum

    Windrush cunts

    deffo fuck off now you fertile mucus bubbler
  15. ratcum

    Windrush cunts

    Jewdy, you're turning into the site's Audi A3
  16. ratcum

    Windrush cunts

    You are now officially funny EVB, so need to leave this site forthwith. This is a cunt site for cunt people, we don't need any of your 'humour' around here
  17. If you'd only work your ni**ers harder as I advised Luke, you wouldn't have this problem. Albert tell his wife about you when he gets home.
  18. we all have to start somewhere Ape
  19. Gibson's dog was a woofter I reckon CB. Black as fuck as well by all accounts
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