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Everything posted by ratcum

  1. ratcum

    Scooter muggers

    Maybe not, but the dirty bastard certainly stuck it to my Aunty Vi.
  2. I'd shoot my garden, then do some slaves whilst dressed as a German. The ravenous cock will never be sated
  3. ratcum


    Scared of cock are we? The wisdom of cock will soon embrace you Blubber
  4. Have no fear, Norman's Wisdom's cock will destroy Islamic State Deco. Hitler was right
  5. ratcum


    details schmetails Lukey. Norm's cock is going to burn Jewdy's little choccie ring, with Nazi cum
  6. ratcum


    Imagine if Norman Wisdom's cock lived on after his death! You'd suddenly hear "Mr Grimsdale" behind you, and then this cock would come out and go right up your arse! Fuck me.
  7. ratcum

    Goofy Teeth

    Never mind their unborn children Nelly, what about their ugly noshers?
  8. ratcum

    Goofy Teeth

    Good old fashioned goofiness was usually combined with being cross eyed and thick. We had a few in our school and they were bullied in a refreshingly proto-Nazi manner. Periodically there'd be a pogrom on these sub-creatures, often uniting quite disparate groups from the warring milieu of playground culture.
  9. ratcum

    Safaa Boular

    Oi Killer! Fancy going out for a 'pint' later? My thirst needs stabbing
  10. ratcum

    Safaa Boular

    They suffer jets too then Lukey?
  11. ratcum

    Safaa Boular

    They might want you sexually Alfie. Half the cunts on here do
  12. ratcum

    Safaa Boular

    I see Colwyn Bay pier is no more Pen. I once pissed off the end of it you know
  13. I wonder if Welsh lava bread will be a hit in Guatemala?
  14. font faggotry eh? Do your worst. I won't be silenced
  15. I've always regarded kids with velcro fastening footwear as retarded CB. Rat Junior had laces from the beginning, including a dinky pair of para boots we got in Munich. The poor cunt had to get up an hour earlier than everyone else, in order to do the fuckers up! My Aunty Vi...
  16. Your avatar is an affront to everything I hold sacred. Consider yourself annexed
  17. We should all welcome the emergence of far right vegetables, particularly their vanguard; the Nazi brassicas.
  18. I bet she drained you like a purse in Haifa
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