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Everything posted by ratcum

  1. ratcum


    Ha! I see the bleating Nazi has lost at Formula 1 again. You're so shit at wheel to wheel racing, not even your usual cheating can close the gap now.
  2. there's always a dark side to any gay shit
  3. you don't get to talk about white women like that Frank. Not on my watch anyway
  4. reported for being a greasy foreigner
  5. I've always hated flipflops so the My Lai massacre still shocks me even today. The only way it could be topped, would be if a bus load of people wearing crocs being were massacred right in of front of me
  6. relevant to what? The original thread topic? You're shitting me right?
  7. That French woman who got hit by a golf ball is a bit of drama queen. "I'm blind"... no you're not "I could have been killed (if the ball had hit me in the side of the head)"... yeah but it didn't did it? Anyway, not all impacts to the side of the head mean death. What next eh? "It might have eviscerated my unborn twins"... yeah but you're not up the duff are you? "It could have circumcised my husband!".... er, by the looks of him, that ship sailed long ago
  8. Willian Hague was in the Happy Mondays? Fuck!
  9. fuckery indeed Authoritah. He looked like the squat thug who delivered our coal, rather than a member of a rock band.
  10. Good old jewdy! What do you think about all this mixed sex marriage shit going round eh? Fuckin degenerate weirdoes should be gassed
  11. The Happy Mondays had practically zero impact in terms of album sales, and certainly fuck all outside Britain. So why are they serving themselves up as movers and shakers now? Fuck off you manc nothings.
  12. I think knowing someone called "Norris" will fuck any of us to buggery Grotty. My Aunty Vi once worked under cover as Eva Braun's tampon.
  13. If Brexit gets any shitter, I reckon our women will turn to making artisan black pudding. You'd certainly know if the bird next door was on the Jericho!
  14. When I was a nipper Stubb, the middle of something was called the centre. None of us, not even earwigs and gingers, ever felt the need to fuck with that term. And yet now, we have epicentre. Cuntery of the highest order
  15. ratcum


    I swear some of those Babestation women are over 18 Authoritah. Like all Britporn, it's fuckin gross.
  16. ratcum


    I've seen the tragic story of the girl dying from eating a baguette containing sesame seeds but I don't see how the food industry can do much more. It will only lead to EVERYTHING having a label saying it might contain ANYTHING! Surely if you or a loved one had this godawful affliction, you would take your own nosh when travelling?
  17. If this was a thread about relating Beatles' lyrics to constipation, it would excellent. stop this now CB
  18. Are you stalking me Jewdy? My comment was over a year ago and I'm much more sophisticated these days. Even you've got to laugh at this photo for comedic stereotype circa Der Sturmer 1939. Apparently the goggle eyed cunt does shopping for someone called nappy and other 'famous' dickheads.
  19. ratcum


    an abortion walks into a bar. "You're a bit early aren't you?" said the barman
  20. actually very funny Grotto, which means sadly that you must leave The Corner immediately. We can't have quality posts fucking it up for the rest of the torpid exudate on here.
  21. an abortion walks out of a bar. "He was a slippery customer" said the barman
  22. cormorant's are more common than you think WB
  23. At least we invented concentration camps and the Boy Scouts Deco. Oh and punching above our weight for a hundred years
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