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Everything posted by ratcum

  1. "Oh blimey cripes, it's Blakey!"
  2. animalist! reported for assuming all apes like trees and shit
  3. ratcum


    get the fuck off my thread slagbag
  4. ratcum


    the current top four on the Leader Board (you know who you are), should be stoned to death. Fuckin slutty scum.
  5. Vi wouldn't give a fuck but Minty would probably get his pecker out
  6. Ken Dodd and his Diddy Men went through this Sevens. They could have challenged for world supremacy, but diversity and debauchery well and truly fucked them.
  7. Even when Sting befriended those pancake eating cunts from the jungle, he wasn't as cuntish as Boneo. Anyone who wears their speedo swimming goggles away from the pool should be gassed.
  8. ...sometimes stating the blindingly obvious is still necessary. Well done Ape
  9. ratcum


    you're alright Jewdy. A bit like Nicholas Parson's perineum; wouldn't want to touch it, but couldn't resist a little peak
  10. foreigners remain a uniformly ghastly bunch DC, I'll give you that. Witness the behaviour of Tunisian hoteliers after the collapse of Thomas Cook. Demanding money with menaces from hapless British holiday makers. Yet just a few short years ago they were all upset when Brits got shot on one of their beaches, putting their profits at risk. Utter scum.
  11. my fight against the evils of international Zionism keeps me fresh DC. Copy and paste the URL below. Americans raising money for soldiers. Sounds commendable until you realise it's for Israeli soldiers, not American ones. Israeli soldiers that America already bankrolls to the tune of $4 billion a year, to kill Palestinians armed with catapults. https://variety.com/2018/scene/news/friends-of-the-israel-defense-forces-gala-pharrell-williams-1203018108/
  12. I still regard Jewdy as a newbie Voivod. I don't think he predates either of us. Don't get me wrong though, the cunt must still be gassed
  13. ratcum


    get the fuck off my thread you Zionist lapdog
  14. I'd stick them in Delia's fanny but I can't think of a clever, pithy reason why
  15. Magdeburg hemispheres still impress me DC
  16. what about using Dot Cotton's clit as a character on children's television then?
  17. Charli Howard 'plus size model' Look love, your size doesn't bother me at all. The ATK hairy eye brows, low rent tranny face and canoe sized feet are the real killers here. So for the love of God, fuck off and work at a call centre.
  18. people who've only known the SA80 and it's derivatives don't have a problem. It's just old cunts who were brought up on the SLR can't relate to anything else. I dare say may dad thought the Lee Enfield was the dogs. The GPMG remains, as does the insane decapitator .50 cal
  19. I meant IEDs and racist biscuits.
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