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Everything posted by ratcum

  1. I want Branson dead almost as much as I want Hitler alive CB Almost
  2. cheer up Jewdy you miserable old dog. Spirit of the Blitz and all that. 🔕
  3. Excellent analysis WC. If you want to buy copper ore anywhere in Africa, you have to go through Mr. Wong. The sneaky cunt offers to build a railway for Johnny African (who let's face can't carve wood into anything other than dildo shaped animals), and then quietly extends the line into the middle of nowhere. Except it isn't nowhere, it's were the massive deposits of chalcopyrite are found. Johnny African still doesn't twig, as he's still got his dildo, and thinks Mr. Wong must collect worthless rock and send it back home for a laugh. Millions of tons of it. He also gives Johnny some coloured beads and lets him carry on FGMing 11 year old girls.
  4. all sorts of spackers are coming out of the woodwork over this virus shit
  5. they truly are a revolting bunch of filths WC
  6. Professional (lol) footballers should all commit suicide to reduce the number of potential hosts for Covid 19. It would also reduce the number of feckless cretin children, riding the coattails of their parents in lieu of an actual career. Romeo Beckham for instance. Or Jesus of Nazareth.
  7. she predates the current tend of celebrity for celebrity's sake. I'd kick her in the cunt until it resembled Guy Gibson's dog after getting twatted by a car
  8. strictly speaking they were both concentration camps, but as you say Jewdy, Treblinka was only for extermination. In terms of its size and short existence, it outstripped all other camps. Ukrainian and Latvian guards, with a handful of Germans.
  9. Compared to many concentration camps, Treblinka was actually quite small
  10. Van de Graaff Ventilator have a new album out
  11. ratcum

    Wong flu -Id19

    Frank lived his life like an anvil in the wind MC
  12. I think more celebrities need to die to help get the social distancing message across. For some of them, this might be the one and only useful thing they'll ever do in life. fuckin chinese 😑
  13. these are the same celeb cunts who think they're the first people to have a family. Some, like John Tax Dodger Cleese, even write books about it. They should all be smashed to a pulp and put in pies. Rat
  14. he would have sorted out this chink bat plague and no mistake Stub
  15. I reckon the ventilators the fuckin Chinese are sending us will all come with a free Huawei phone Killer fuckin Chinese dogs 😷
  16. I think they should get a gingered up horse to fuck him in the arse. It would finish him but he'd go out smiling. 🐴
  17. except in your case it will be croquette potatoes, in your council flat in Hounslow. You quarter witted tragic wannabe
  18. 100% agree. They've been raping the countryside for decades and know fuck all about wildlife and how ecosystems function. Thick racists but with that peasant cunning unique to country folk. I'd piss into the sunken eye sockets of their inbred cyclop sister wives, whilst they were out doing something unspeakable to a goose
  19. ratcum

    Sara cox

    Mrs Jewdy appeared in their "Readers' Hives" section Stub.
  20. ratcum

    Wong flu -Id19

    fuckin Chinese I genuinely hate them WC. fuckin chinese 😑
  21. ratcum

    Wong flu -Id19

    round our way MC, the Poles were nabbing all the tame ducks and eating them! Police ended up visiting local factories employing these savages, to explain we like the ducks just to look at. No wonder Hitler had to stick it to these anatine slaughterers Rat
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