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Everything posted by ratcum

  1. ratcum

    Olympic Bollocks

    For years I thought the phrase was "Jesus wet". It never really caused any difficulty but it was what it was
  2. I'm still on the Byzantine after a brief flirtation with the Julian. No idea what day it is though.
  3. You are confused. Probably best if you concentrate on the functioning of your internal organs as all this other stuff appears to be way beyond you.
  4. Your right Costas. I'll try not respond to pond life as there's little sport in it. Judy defined my existence more than I care to admit. I miss the old Zionist apologist.
  5. He's a bit of whore and he keeps texting me with 'special offers' the dirt sausage
  6. No you can't. There was a clear intellectual divide, with thickos and rural types voting out of fear of brown people. These dickheads are now seeing EU subsidies for their flyblown deprived backwaters (e.g. Wales) disappear. I hope they drown in their satellite TV benefits squalor.
  7. Inspirational and also slightly annoying (as I didn't think of it). I should have come back as "filth loader" again.
  8. Excellent Wizardy. Have you read any Nicholas of Cusa btw? He was a 15th century German cunt who knew how to head fuck the sky fairies
  9. ratcum

    Olympic Bollocks

    I would have paid good money to be slung underneath a female triathlete today. Not in the swimming bit though. Or the cycling.
  10. Brilliant plan Gongo. These disenfranchised hordes you speak off could be further divided into productive and unproductive. Wait a minute, this is a trap isn't it?
  11. ratcum

    Olympic Bollocks

    I agree with jiggly on this. Evel Knievel was exactly the same
  12. I certainly don't like salad Punkly, it is a homo meal
  13. The taekwondo looks ridiculous. It's like two low level stags engaged in ineffectual rutting. It's always working class types who are attracted to martial arts. Carl or his son Kyle for instance.
  14. ratcum

    shit bank staff

    Next we'll here a ghost took the money
  15. Michael Portillo walks like tickler cunt with a pole up his arse. Oh wait a minute...
  16. I can't remember much about Punkape from my previous incarnation but fail to see why everyone has a pop at him. Is it a sport? Did he kill Catwoman's baby live on CC?
  17. You've got to ask yourself, what's the fuckin point of David Furnish? Elton looks like a frameless rucksack over filled with custard. I would stuff them in a red post box with polecat called Dante.
  18. We need new blood on this site, it's too cosy. I've asked my parents but they're dead.
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