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Everything posted by ratcum

  1. ratcum

    Keith Vaz

    Multi-quoting cheapens my contribution and is a bit homo
  2. ratcum

    Keith Vaz

    It's too late for me Scotto, save yourself
  3. ratcum


    Er, a happy birthday to Toby?
  4. Used to watch these with Rat Minor. Fuckin brilliant
  5. ratcum

    Keith Vaz

    It's an urban myth that Pavlov always used dogs. He also used Greville Janner and a school bell.
  6. ratcum


    Er, a hazel nut in every bite?"
  7. This is unfair to weasels everywhere Stickly. I find using the words "Oliver Letwin" to be equally effective and without the nasty whiff of anti-musteline prejudice to boot.
  8. ratcum

    Keith Vaz

    this internecine squabbling is on the one hand injurious to CC, but on the other hand quite funny. The Rape of Nanking was similarly viewed.
  9. ratcum

    Keith Vaz

    Vaz still has a lot to offer British politics. I would like to see him enter The Lords. Then he could enter Michael Portillo.
  10. Post brexit blues I've got. Can't help thinking GB is slipping down into the also rans. The Chinese look on us as an interesting but very small exhibit. The cunts
  11. So Mother T is getting canonised eh? Bet she wished she'd had that when she was alive. A cannon I mean.
  12. We'll never meet, you and I, but go to the next world knowing we were as one.
  13. the cunt should be sent to central Italy and made to jump up and down
  14. Who at the BBC decided we needed a new series of "Goodnight Sweetheart"? There's a load of cunts at the BBC and they need sorting out.
  15. ratcum

    Keith Vaz

    what, all of them?
  16. ratcum

    Keith Vaz

    Male escorts? I wouldn't even pay for a Ford escort me. lol
  17. ratcum


    you're fucked then Scottness.
  18. You're right Snatchness. If you add the fact that it's an allegorical lasagne, I reckon I could hang the cunt in the Tate Bollocks
  19. ratcum


    you're so right Scotty. I'll message you my bank details and you can send the money as soon as you've got it
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