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Everything posted by ratcum

  1. Yer man Tommy's alright. It's Rob Beckett who needs butchering. The fuckin cunt is a cunt
  2. ratcum

    Ruth jones

    I've had this anorigamia for fuckin years CB. I can't even make a kite, never mind a swan or a bastard camel. I paid for the special paper and everything, but saw no improvement.
  3. steady Deco. We don't need anti-rodentism on here. Have a racist biscuit to calm your nerves.
  4. Frau Mothra likes the breakfasts but even she has to admit that the single slag mothers with their Ritalin deficient bastards, don't exactly smoke her bacon. As for Luton Mr Swarm, you are a silly person for going there, even if it was for the purpose of leaving there
  5. This has all been misreported. British policemen can opt to wear a Ghurkha, not a fuckin burka! At the moment these squat little johnnies have nothing to do when they retire except lick out Joanna's Lumley.
  6. I think I've gone a bit David Dickinson in the shoe department. And they are not as cheap as chips.
  7. It's got be straight from panto. "He's behind you!"
  8. that's fuckin brilliant CB!! I don't suppose you've still got the url? I want to pay may respects to this cove.
  9. Shit, I hadn't noticed before!
  10. but he allowed Philip Green to be born? This is a trap isn't it?
  11. Am I the only one on here who can't add a photo to my posts, no matter how small I make the jpeg file size? cunts
  12. looks like Captain Meltdown aka Rothers!
  13. if it's in his nob, who will help him get the pus out?
  14. It is cuntagonal for sure. If the industry hadn't been so tight wad, they could have used vinyl style sleeves for the CDs. Artwork would have still been cool and the buyer still feel that had something worthwhile. No wonder downloads and pirate downloads are of more interest to kids.
  15. Uncle Ben and Colonel Sanders double team Aunt Bessie in a film script I'm working on
  16. ratcum


    you've got to be joking?
  17. ratcum

    Keith Vaz

    That's the spirit Sticky
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