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Everything posted by ratcum

  1. ratcum


    Yo ma negus dawg, drink that negus
  2. ratcum


    you can't say ponce. Rick B once gave someone some chokey for it. Perhaps he confused it with nonce
  3. ratcum


    lamp. Fuckin lamp scum
  4. ratcum


    Negus, a beverage made of wine, hot water, lemon juice, sugar, and nutmeg was created by by colonel Francis Negus in the early 18th century. Though Col. Negus died in 1737, his namesake drink remained a popular fortifier on cold evenings.
  5. ratcum


    Ponce (for Rick B's benefit) ponce pɒns/ Britishinformal noun noun: ponce; plural noun: ponces derogatory an effeminate man. a man who lives off a prostitute's earnings. verb verb: ponce; 3rd person present: ponces; past tense: ponced; past participle: ponced; gerund or present participle: poncing live off a prostitute's earnings. "he was arrested for poncing on the girl"
  6. ratcum


    Presumably we can say "a Spanish-speaking person from Central or South America or the Caribbean, especially a Mexican." I just use completely innocent words, usually just something in front of me at the time, instead of the word that some MOD has decided is that week's must not say word. Sofa for example. Fuckin sofas need fucking burning, the cunts
  7. ratcum


    fuckin weirdo. It's exactly this sort of fucked up binary shite I'm talking about. Fuck off you dichotomous freak
  8. ratcum


    I agree with Ding, except at 10 I knew I was broccoli
  9. ratcum


    I'm getting a bit sick of all these new ways of describing oddbods. Puff and lezzer yes, but all this tranny stuff is just bollocks. Today I've learned kids can be binary. BINARY? What in Treblinka's Showers is that?
  10. I wish Jewdy was here. He'd have liked you IKTC
  11. Perhaps I should have clarified my brownies then?
  12. Brownies are nice. I could just eat one now
  13. ratcum


    The actual dog was a bit of a looker Neil. Fancy double teaming it?
  14. ratcum


    It's very public spirited of you to even have her as a friend Gypo
  15. ratcum


    this is quite good bubbler
  16. ratcum


    did she pass maths GCSE?
  17. ratcum


    There is much wisdom within you Luke. But how to control this scourge? Perhaps we should move our focus from the humble badger?
  18. ratcum


    mother and daughter. So the daughter's baby gets eaten alive by the dog, and yet the woman still manages to get pregnant before the trial. She then uses the pregnancy for the sympathy vote.
  19. ratcum


    more scum. Utter scum, responsible for the death of a baby because, like most of these lowlife, they just have to have one of those unguided missile dogs. Fuck I hate these people
  20. Next you'll be telling me Maggie Thatcher is not dead. You horrid cunt. Perhaps you'll die before you get old like Roger Daltrey did.
  21. When I was in the "Sexed Up Vole Splitters" our drummer Eggy felt unwell at The Dixieland on Colwyn Bay pier. I don't know if that helps at all?
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