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Everything posted by ratcum

  1. If a car ran over an afro-Caribbean in your road Stickly, it would be a black spot
  2. Frau got kicked in the cunt for half a fuckin hour
  3. I will forgive this momentary lapse of reason Jackie, but only because my sister used to read Jackie
  4. good old punkly. Mind you, I'd rather be a fuckin cretin than be fucking them
  5. anything's better than having sofas. Frau Rat tried to sneak a chaise longue past me the other day, but I burned the cunt
  6. I thought you'd reached your zenith yesterday Deco, but now you're seeking an even more rarefied apogee. This is because of Frank's death isn't it? You blame yourself but we all could have done more
  7. Germany was forced into war by sofas. Sofas in Britain and America also left Japan nowhere to go in 1941 after denying them raw materials. We only have club chairs and futons in our house.
  8. ratcum


    You've certainly got the measure of Johnnie Rumania Dingly. All those peripheral nations look on the core of the EU as just a big pile of booty.
  9. it is a cruel mistress Deco, but nothing sucks like an Electrolux
  10. I'm proud to have witnessed this. A cunt's cunt. Wow.
  11. Exactly how a long a ban are we hoping for here Deco? This could be your finest hour. If only jewdy were here to grass you up and have a dickie fit,
  12. They are indeed ghastly coves who haunt the buses and trains. I would see them all destroyed, like so many badgers. Or Manx people and their mutation cats
  13. ratcum


    Yes. That chancer they drafted in never looked the part. There was something cheap about her.
  14. ratcum


    Before winter sets in I intend to try my hand at begging. In Rumania. I mean, the fuckin sinti dogs think nothing of travelling to Prestatyn to do the same. I wonder how much I'll make?
  15. June Brown, she of Dot Cotton fame, prolapsed her cunt for me. That's a fan for you.
  16. respect. I thought he was sodomised to death by the well endowed galactic megadonkey
  17. I'm sure I've heard this before somewhere
  18. I see you're top of the funny little league/chart thingy Scrotal. Not cool. Not cool at all.
  19. Frames! Fuckin bastard Frames responsible for all wars, control the media. Cunts I'll kill 'em all. Earwig cunst. Insert other media >
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