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Everything posted by ratcum

  1. ratcum


    The night is still Jung as Eugen Bleuler probably never said.
  2. Right, well apart from Prince William, Jesus, Kim Jong-Un and George Bush, what have sons of famous dads ever done for us?
  3. Yes but we can write sexual references for other members to help them get a job. When the fair was in town I told them Rothers was a real waltzer on the gay scene. The cunt was giving rides for the next fortnight.
  4. You do realise that the majority of root vegetables in Northern Europe are racist Luke? Also, the more bulbous of these taprooted bastards are homophobic as well?
  5. ratcum

    Mainland Europe

    He could have been a contender
  6. Fuck those derms. Let's do it all in code just like the good old days of 'resettlement'
  7. Okay, okay. Well apart from Jesus and Kim Jong-Un, what son has ever done better than his famous dad?
  8. Frank is now one of the undead Gurty. His post mortem 'run' is a sight to behold.
  9. Catholic paddy twatting at that. Gotta love the guy for taking care of business.
  10. I heard he spent more time with his fuckin donkey than his wife. Perhaps he was Rumanian?
  11. ratcum

    Mainland Europe

    ... have you ever been to Calais. Doesn't quite work Cuntly but neither do Mexicans I suppose.
  12. ratcum

    Mainland Europe

    No, you quite lick Europeans
  13. Yeah, but no way was Jesus as big a cunt as his dad.
  14. I'm the only Nazi in the village Punkly. You won't find genocidal aktion in Cunty Pandy that hasn't got me at the dead centre.
  15. You mean 'sofa' gags CB? Sofas and their cushion lackies in America, fuckin cunts.
  16. ratcum

    Fine dining

    You certainly need to come back into the fold love. Cutting your strings Geppetto style was a mistake on my part.
  17. ratcum

    Fine dining

    The old Frank had more savoir faire than this. I think you rose on the turd day you dylsexic cunt
  18. ratcum

    Fine dining

    It would be if you were in Belsen in April 1945. Location, location, location.
  19. It's actually more the parent that's the cunt here, as they've invariably condemned their son or daughter to the life of an 'also ran'. Here's a few examples: Rick Parfitt's son getting precisely nowhere as the Rick Parfitt Junior band Jonathan Palmer's son Jolyon has a single F1 point at age 25 God's son Jesus made no universes, planets or even small rocks and only managed a single book deal
  20. It does set a bench mark for the rest of us Deco
  21. Frank was working as a waitress in a cocktail bar when I first met him
  22. Exactly. Like hurry up into the showers.
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