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Everything posted by ratcum

  1. careful Bubbly. A grammar Nazi is only a few short steps from a Nazi Nazi
  2. Indeed. In good weather he enjoyed more than just the odd hand job. I wonder what he would have made of air con.
  3. A sad end to a glittering career. He brought a refreshing transparency to the role and even had the odd line like "Oi, are you winding me up or what?" and "I've been framed you slags!"
  4. My Uncle Len played the car window in some of the early episodes
  5. It's not the real Drew Deco, more a mock pseudo neo quasi post impressionist Drew. Or just 'cunt' for short.
  6. If you took all that careful coiffeur off Rogers, I reckon he'd look someone called Stan. Remember Stan? Cunt worked down the old engineering works.
  7. Lancashire Evening Post Monday 26th September 1921 A St Pancras (London) jury, on Saturday found that William Arthur Lucas, a seaman of Winchester, was insane when he shot himself in a Leeds-London express. He was in the Titanic disaster, and had been queer since.
  8. My girlfriend at the time almost saw Polish John. But didn't in the end.
  9. More cunts claim to have seen Frank's boat than there are actually people in the world. It's the same with the billions who claim to have been touched by Jimmy Savile. Or the Pope
  10. It is indeed bonkers Swampy. I bet if she'd tried it on with Greville Janner, the sly old fox would have pretended to be demented. Oh wait a minute...
  11. Frank wasn't autonomous when judy was at his depth on here.
  12. There was a programme on the radio about a female care worker who sexually abused old demented male patients. What kind of a headfuck is that?
  13. Tell us more about your sweat Stickly
  14. ratcum


    The meek shall inherit the hearth was what Jesus actually said. In other words he was saying they'd inherit fuck all.
  15. Fuckin media whores the lot of you. I don't even like the experience blobs.
  16. I read your comment as "Teens with lube". Imagine how disappointed I feel now cunt.
  17. You sat next to Jesus? I told you he was nothing compared to his more famous dad. It's years since his arse has had a movie out
  18. That 'Health Lottery' thing on tele sounds a bit tasteless . It's already a lottery as to whether you get decent latitude doctor and get to see them in the year you actually fall ill. Mind you, rather a latitude than a earwig.
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