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Everything posted by ratcum

  1. ratcum


    I'll see your dogger and raise you a German Bite
  2. ratcum


    The tank stays outside and all the daggers are firmly fixed to Mr. Bloom next door
  3. ratcum

    Jools Holland.

    calm down Tatly, it's only a website
  4. ratcum

    Roger Waters

    Tata the sofa king? Who would have thought it?
  5. ratcum

    Roger Waters

    Right on the money with this Stickler. The same low intelligence dogs have top hat and tails weddings as well. Simply ghastly
  6. ratcum

    Sara Pascoe

    Fuck he is seriously unfunny that collared cunt. He can even make the holocaust seem grim.
  7. ratcum

    Sara Pascoe

    I would deliver the cake
  8. ratcum

    Sara Pascoe

    I've got cancer of that
  9. ratcum

    Sara Pascoe

    They did give us donkey porn Deco. And Ass to Mouth. Ane they keep Jimmy Choo in employment
  10. ratcum


    she stabbed you in the eye after that chortlesom episode no doubt
  11. ratcum

    Sara Pascoe

    I find Jo Brand funny. That much cholesterol, arteriosclerosis and COPD is fuckin hysterical. Give her arse more cake
  12. ratcum

    Sara Pascoe

    Ah yes the jam rag jokes. Massive fuckin yawn. Some even stoop to talk about their bodies after childbirth. Useless cows the lot of them.
  13. Better on the ropes than on the roops
  14. ratcum

    Sara Pascoe

    I've tried my best with female comedians but they are shit
  15. I've been using CC for 9 years. I think only Lady P can match/better this.
  16. I refuse to google these chodes. Who the fuck are they?
  17. they're great aren't they?
  18. dreadful in a rather excellent way
  19. I agree. The full stop he did in April 1945 was a master stroke of stripped back punctuation. Just the one little dot, but delivered with such emphatic finality. I believe Olivier tried but failed to emulate it in his Lear of 1949.
  20. I'm glad you said that Bubble
  21. you could probably ride your own pubic lice then Cockly
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