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Everything posted by ratcum

  1. Christ I'm stuck on here with only Bubbly and Wizzo for company. It's like inhaling Maggie Thatcher's gently smouldering pubes. I demand service!!!
  2. Laugh Control to Major Lol
  3. I don't think it's the real Drew Bubbly. Remember that brown runt who sang with Boney M? That's Drew that is.
  4. Stop getting batey Wizzo, it's not good for my nerves
  5. the jewry's out on them at present. For me they're tainted enough by being the antithesis of good honest manual labour. So I'd burn the cunts.
  6. In this context I'm using it as an interjection. A strong expression of joy or approval
  7. I think he knew what was going on. If your snot starting showing up on Liberian and Panamanian shipping registers, you'd wonder what the fuck was going on.
  8. Slap up that bitch Punkly
  9. just don't get a conservatory CB. It's an urban myth that the working classes cling to, that such structures will elevate them to posh. After all, there was a conservatory on the Cluedo board.
  10. You are right Luke. Churchill was a vile self publicist who the electorate of 1945 fortunately saw right through. Also, let's not forget many of his bogies were converted into ships, causing countless deaths when the fuckers sank.
  11. ratcum

    The Sabbath

    cushions are perfectly harmless
  12. ratcum

    The Sabbath

    I had a cushion friend back in my undergrad days. No one made anything of it until, whilst talking about cooking, she said her family preferred gas. We all caught the chortle express to Laugh City that day.
  13. Outstanding CB, you've got the multimedia angle sewn up. Dogging areas for these lithium powered sex kittens would need to be found. Not too hilly. Easy access for all.
  14. And proper rock needs more like him. Some of the current crop are vegetarian peaceniks who treat women as equals. FUCK!!!!
  15. You old rascal CB. Perhaps there's an app we could devise to control wheeled totty? We could called it "Back onto this you steaming slag"? Or something.
  16. ratcum

    Kate Bush

    Have you calmed down after your little dickie fit on here last night? As for your review of Middle Eastern politics; you're an earwig loving twat
  17. ratcum

    Jools Holland.

    Miles Jupp is fuckin pointless. Not even a cushion but I still want him destroyed
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