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Everything posted by ratcum

  1. this site's most popular word is spunk. We might be attracting the wrong sort of cunts who search for such 'fluids'
  2. Saying "nowt wrong with lard" out of context is another killer line and saves complex negotiations later in the evening
  3. A good old Nazi hoedown? Love those fascist muthas doin their crazy teutonic thang
  4. I thought the taxi driver accidentally hit reverse?
  5. Sorry Alfie! You're authentic, not like these nouveau Alfie dogs
  6. Parents calling their sons Alfie is fuckin criminal. Jake and Ethan were from the okay corral, but Alfie? East End scum.
  7. ratcum


    Terrible terrible comment Panzerfaust
  8. ratcum


    This is so true CB. I visited Auschwitz a few years ago and you couldn't sit down for all the fuckin sofas
  9. ratcum


    At least Lisa Riley isn't on Strictly this year. It was like watching one of King Kong's haemorrhoids slowly roll around the stage.
  10. I knew it. I knew it! Zombie cunt! Demonic possession!
  11. this is too wordy for the ante-mortem Frank. His spirit fucked off before the corpse's reanimation.
  12. Did he make you do 'things' you didn't understand?
  13. You could be talking about this sceptred isle Sevens. Very poetic by the way.
  14. I'll fuckin give you natch, you inflammatory bowel
  15. I knew some hards when I lived in Manchester Fendly. They didn't use guns but they did have bullets and would just push them into your head with a punching action. No tell tale barrel scoring or firing pin fingerprints for the rozzers. Pure class.
  16. You're right Wizzo. Jewdy had forgotten to take his Berocca tablets, so he was like himself (a cunt), only on a really bad day.
  17. Good man. Help yourself to any of my tenant's daughters. I recommend the ones without gills by the way.
  18. gotta flush these swine out Sevens. Get your beaters to put them up and bring them under my guns. It'll be like seeing off the Tolpuddle martyrs again.
  19. Everyone on here says this sort of thing when I've outmanoeuvred them and ass fucked their wife. As you say; pitiful. Jewdy thought he knew about Middle Eastern politics and ended up descending into a paranoia. that destroyed him
  20. soft furnishing licker. I hope you get a visit
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