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Everything posted by ratcum

  1. He got shot!!! He would loved the instant dawg status afforded by a drive by shooting
  2. ratcum


    Sorry Sticky, I'm having my tail platted over the weekend.
  3. Almost as laughable as Tim Westwood still convinced he's a gangsta 'nigga' homey dawg bitch in da hood crib blud etc.
  4. ratcum


    It was a never secret, despite the Fat Cuntroller's false accusations of multi IDs. We have both remained true to ourselves over the years.
  5. They are indeed revolting chodes Nelly; a strain on the NHS and the nation as a whole. Hang them on the side of boats instead of tyres I say.
  6. ratcum


    I've only just noticed I can change my display name Stickly, so I've gone back to my original one of ratcum. Mothra didn't sit well. You might have noticed that a few veterans on here calling me ratty.
  7. I thought you were fuckin off for a bit Eg?
  8. ratcum


    (names changed) Twat 6th Form and Community College near us offers two Mickey Mouse 'A' levels; (1) Media Studies and (2) Film Studies. The self serving incestuous droogs allow kids to take both subjects and they're all taught by the same bloke. And we wonder why we continue to slip down the league of industrial nations.
  9. ratcum


    In the old days, PTSD was just "taken queer"
  10. ratcum


    At least that whining American Euthanasia finally got voted off Strictly. What a horrid cow.
  11. We can't all driver a Renault Kadjar Fran. You take all the time you need me old china. Better still, fuckin kill yourself. Minkey
  12. ratcum


    or to make rounds for Nerf guns
  13. ratcum


    That's exactly it; it's a 'badge' to say "I've handed over a few coppers and that's all the amputee servicemen can expect from me"
  14. ratcum


    on a pile of dead jacobites
  15. ratcum


    It's already started this year. Any fuckin live programme on the tele and there's all the presenters and guests, forcibly decked out with poppies. I have no problem with the appeal, or helping ex-service men and women (although it should be the government, not charity), but dragooning all-comers into wearing a plastic and paper 'badge' is pathetic.
  16. You're all cunts as the "shake and vac" woman was the best by miles. They play it at abortion clinics these days so it's timeless too. Konigstigernacker
  17. but not in a homo sense
  18. The child abuse scandals saw a few nutters giving up on boredom and trying to make the place famous for something actually occurring. Stupid really when you think of the competition: The Catholic Church; ex-public school Tories, every Scottish Isle, Norfolk....
  19. I know a few Brexit types who think that Yorkshire tea won't go up in price because we make it here!
  20. ratcum


    I wish I'd said that Bubbly
  21. There was a time when Belgium's position as the most boring pointless country in the world seemed unassailable. It was a universal constant, a coefficient of mind numbing tedium. To your average Johnnie Waloon however, Canada seemed to threaten all of that. Here was a country equally boring, but many times larger. This normally has the effect of diluting things, but not in the case of boredom. I stand by my Ardennes pate on this.
  22. You've still got to sneak in through a side door though. Panzerknacker
  23. You must meet my old friend Simon Clonby
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