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Everything posted by ratcum

  1. ratcum

    David Cary

    It's good to know there's an alternative to go to if The Samaritans close down Deco. I'd been trying to save folk money by suggesting they share a coffin with other families who had lost an infant. Drew got all uppity because he'd buried his daughter before hearing my genius idea. What a cunt!
  2. The undead are not known for their bonhomie Scotto
  3. ratcum

    David Cary

    Anyway, back on topic... I remember Carey's 'Magic Inch' from many years ago. I don't know if that helps at all Eddie?
  4. ratcum

    David Cary

    Nah, we're like real mates now Sticky. The search function is shit anyway. It used to have its own thread but you won't be able to find it.
  5. ratcum

    David Cary

    so he's long gone then?
  6. ratcum

    David Cary

    you're not the real Drew. If you were you'd remember why you got vexed at me
  7. I think his arse his French; no other cunts are that self absorbed
  8. Big posh houses like the one in the game Cluedo suit a conservatory. Semis and midget detached houses on a new estate do not. Knock the fucker down and either build a proper brick extension or fuckin move somewhere else.
  9. He would have made a good Nazi... oh wait a minute
  10. Luke you chode, you've just given away the plot of Finding Nemo 3: "The Flotsam Shag".
  11. Stick your thumbs up your arse and ride around the shelter on your elbows Deco. She'll either be impressed, in which case you'll get some leg tonight for sure, or she'll fuck off and you can carry on with the lung torpedoes in peace.
  12. ratcum

    David Cary

    I lived in Market Harborough years ago and used to go out with a girl from Corby. I nicknamed her the "Corby Trouser Press"
  13. I believe you're right also; their fall from grace was mercifully brief. Grace herself put up more of a struggle
  14. You're correct, except it was the Cotswolds in Lower Saxony, so they're traitor Nazi lezzas
  15. ratcum

    Anthony weiner

    A disgusting stereotypical sofa. So many boxes ticked: dishonesty, perversity, corrosive ambition, ugly, covered in cushions...
  16. Here 'he' is on the right at the end of the war. He's being arrested with other Nazi female camp guards. So he's a lezza Nazi
  17. Imagine if you'd lost 8 licks instead Stickly. And you were a lezza like Gordon Jackson was.
  18. Luckily for him, in prison Jewdy always had his back
  19. You miserable old dog Deco. Buy yourself an air pistol and have some sport fella
  20. 41 years behind the frown and proud of it. There's nowt wrong with lard
  21. Rothers was always in the shower when the kids came round. Every year. In the shower. What are the odds?
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