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Everything posted by ratcum

  1. ratcum

    English Heritage

    Fender ain't no grass Eggg. Jewdy on the other paw, was a bleating, lily livered moaner who split on everyone he couldn't understand. So everyone really.
  2. No, it was the Rococco architecture and palladian brickwork on a number of the outbuildings used in the film. Absolute classic.
  3. ratcum

    Dave the worm

    I agree 7s, death to their skanky arses. Out with new and in with old. Or something.
  4. I remember Equus too, but for entirely different reasons. Sorry to be such a let down
  5. If you look closely at the photos of these greasy vardos, you can see Scary, Posh and Baby in the background too. But only Geri can get Dobbin to dance.
  6. ratcum

    Dave the worm

    You counted all his posts Bubbly? Dedication. Whoa Dedication, Whoa dedication, that's what you need etc.,
  7. My mum said they shove ginger spice up their arses
  8. Carrie Grant's on the tele with a vast cleavage showing. You're 51 for fuck's sake love!
  9. I'll give you that Killer, scum of the lowest order. Vermin. Might even be in the E.U.
  10. ratcum

    Dave the worm

    Taking the pith again Zorbs? Good on yer mate. I hope your seacocks are firm
  11. ratcum

    Dave the worm

    You old soft Fendo!! Still Bickers must die.
  12. ratcum

    Dave the worm

    Oh dear. You'll start to become irrelevant and we'll call you Still Bickers instead
  13. ratcum

    Dave the worm

    Tell us about yourself Bill. Not the vitriolic Bill persona but the real Bill underneath. Oh and try not to reply with your default aggression and arrogant dismissal. It would be nice to hear something different from you and it would show these cunts you're not just a one trick pony
  14. We should go to war with their arses Deco. A precuntive strike against their prervert bodily fluids is in order. Send Fender to probe their defences. Or Frank to probe their arses. Hussah!!
  15. Deco, you're on top of that ghastly league table thing again. It's like being on top of the Blue People appeal flashing light totaliser type thing. Stop this nonsense
  16. Good of you to say so! There's not so many cunts that kind. Or perceptive.
  17. Kerry Katona's prawn ring needs sauce on it these days
  18. it's not right though is it CB? A good old fashioned bludgeoning, roll 'em up in a bit of carpet and bury the fuckers with respect in a shallow grave. That's how we did my Aunty Vi and it's what she would have wanted anyway, if she hadn't been a moaning old trout.
  19. If I was going to murder someone and successfully hide the body, I'd have to murder every bastard dog walker in the area first. That's put me right off the whole idea. The Nazis must have killed a shed load of the interfering cunts
  20. What a funny fellow you are Sticky. Brawn went out of fashion some time ago on here, as we're all just pixels.
  21. I never even been in existence ever and I've got cancer of your nothing cancer.
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