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Everything posted by ratcum

  1. I 'phoned South Weather and asked Ms. Martin why it's always shit weather above Schloss Ratter. She said I'd got her stumped. No doubt I'll be hearing from those Injury Lawyer cunts in the near future.
  2. It is indeed a happy hunting ground for someone wishing to bag a few 'bland fucks' before breakfast Gyply
  3. Good Old Extreme! Mad as a wheelchair rally round the Giant's Causeway
  4. ratcum

    Donald trump

    Good old Gobbly! You can dig up my dead niece anytime
  5. The blue cars were cool. The plastic children with leg calipers outside shops were ace too
  6. From a 'share' on Facebook today: "PLEASE VOTE FOR MY FRIEND'S DAUGHTER'S LOVELY POOCH". I haven't replied yet as I don't trust myself.
  7. ratcum

    Pads with "wings"

    Just his Tesco Clubcard should do the trick
  8. genuinely funny. You need to find a better outlet than CC Gurto
  9. ratcum

    Pads with "wings"

    The same. Top bloke. The four gospels refer to him as Joseph of Arimathea but I've always called him Eric.
  10. ratcum

    Pads with "wings"

    I still think of you as the dude who helped Jesus out
  11. ratcum

    Pads with "wings"

    I have to ask Killer, is there a non shitty Proton 1.3? Of any vintage? It's like saying your grandad was in a shitty death camp.
  12. ratcum

    Pads with "wings"

    I'm waiting for their bastard space. The worst ones start the engine but still don't go anywhere. Aaaargh!
  13. ratcum

    Pads with "wings"

    We've never stooped so low
  14. ratcum

    Pads with "wings"

    Not worthy of a thread in its own right, but cunts who get in their car in the car park and then just sit there. They're not waiting for any cunt; they're just fuckin slow witted dickshots
  15. ratcum


    No but people would help send them both to Disney Land
  16. ratcum


    I reckon if Hitler had had crowd funding available to him, he would have come to power a lot sooner. Follow us on Facistbook; to Poland, to Norway, to Holland...
  17. ratcum


    It's all good Eric. Don't listen to these womb rot exudates
  18. ratcum

    Cunting Couriers.

    You could be right on this one Punkles.
  19. ratcum

    Cunting Couriers.

    I know this will set off the QI buzzers, but the Pope isn't Brazilian; he's had one. Children call him "The Glide Father"
  20. ratcum


    Yes it is isn't it? Are you filling in for Jewdy?
  21. ratcum


    No idea but he was called Eric and wasn't a vile spacker
  22. ratcum


    What about Eric of Arimathea who gave up his fancy tomb so that Jesus could be buried there? He negotiated with Pilate (no easy task) in order to collect the body from Golgotha, measure up for a shroud etc.
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