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Everything posted by ratcum

  1. You could have been attacked by Colombian Separatist Lesbian Gorillas (sic)
  2. Brian Walden as a discerning rocker? Whatever next? Boris Johnson as a vile, self-serving Tory cunt?
  3. Pobol y cwm. Nothing to do with Otto Kumm then?
  4. One thing you can say about Poles; their dancers are fuckin ace
  5. rural communities can scare and amuse in equal measure. Scary when you witness their numbskull racism; amusing when you see them on an escalator.
  6. Cunts who keep a bottle of whiskey in a draw at work. This simply isn't true and you only ever see it on tele. I've been at work and I have a draw.
  7. Are you in one of your moods again Deco? Have you had your daily llama yet?
  8. "MY OTHER CHILD IS NORMAL" would be a good one to slap on the odd motor. Or something about PC Blakelock
  9. I wonder if Wogan will ever be exposed as one of these fiddly dogs? Stranger things have happened. Angela Merkel driving over kittens in a Tiger tank for example
  10. ratcum

    Meaty money

    The thing about Linda McUgly's food was that despite not having animal products in them, they were packed with fat and salt. Whatever happened to that gold digging monpod scouse chancer who came afterwards?
  11. ratcum

    Meaty money

    Crap, I should have thought of that
  12. ratcum

    Meaty money

    Mark Carney's talk of beefing up the economy isn't exactly going to curry favour with some sections of society
  13. ratcum

    Meaty money

    And Jesus said unto his disciples: "Sikh and you will find......5 quid" Matthew Chapter 7 verse 7
  14. This is a tarp isn't it? SCS bastards
  15. ratcum

    Meaty money

    you can do the one about the Kwik Fit worker who says he'll never retyre
  16. ratcum

    Meaty money

    I don't want all the fuss is about. I mean it's not like it will make them Sikh or anything.
  17. ratcum

    BBC news coverage

    your reporting is noted. By the committee
  18. ratcum

    BBC news coverage

    That 7 years in Tibet has done you the power of good Deco
  19. ratcum

    BBC news coverage

    You may recall how mutinous Roman legions were punished by having every tenth legionnaire killed TSD? Well that's nothing to do with anything so just fuck off.
  20. Except in Tower Hamlets.
  21. ratcum

    BBC news coverage

    He's a sofa lover too Deco.
  22. I think that useless husk of a woman, Judy Murray, should do a Punch and Judy show for Children in Nose Relief or summat.
  23. ratcum

    BBC news coverage

    If just one person is called Donna, or perish the thought, Gaynor, then the whole thing is just cat fight on a council estate.
  24. Fender, that road rage wallah on the news; know anything about it?
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