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Everything posted by ratcum

  1. You cheap bastard. I always take finest Welsh highland butter with me. Assaulted of course
  2. ratcum

    Halal Peppa Pig

    what about porking their wives?
  3. I forgot to mention NLP 'practitioners'. 150 years ago these filth loaders were selling snake oil and quack remedies to the gullible. I'd hammer a flaming stoat up their arses and say "programme your way out of that grotbag!"
  4. Well it could go many times faster than the recommended speed limit. Or the original poster could fall asleep at the keyboard
  5. I certainly considered many of the obstacles to me fucking his wife as null and void from that point onwards
  6. I once went on a residential course, only to find one of the instructors was one of my own staff, albeit a freelance part-timer. A decent bloke but regarding the subject matter of the course, I knew his knowledge was nil and experience less than that. We were both a bit embarrassed but I was more vexed at the lack of integrity of the training company claiming 'leading figures in the field, unmatched in their experience and expertise'. Fucking cunts.
  7. Utter shite from beginning to end, pedalled by shysters and charlatans. If these trainers (I refuse to call what they do education) were any good as managers, they wouldn’t be selling this bollocks.
  8. no we're still on the winter Olympic thing Killer. Unless I slope off in the meantime, I'm fuckin doomed when it starts. Q: What do Koreans do during erections? A: They vote.
  9. ratcum


    boring little tit
  10. ratcum


    Q. What do you call a vampire mong? A. Count Down
  11. The countdown to my ban has started.
  12. RATCUM (looks pensive)...probably
  13. ratcum

    Chuka Umunna

    It gives a guy a good feeling, knowing you're out there watching over us Apely.
  14. This is why Henry Blogg's career in porn never took off Deco. He also caught crabs but hey, we all have to make a living
  15. Fuck, you've been to Rangi's at the end of our road!!! He did me with a thuggee club the other day, which was nice. My Aunty Vi used to tell us about straining through a muslim bag
  16. ratcum

    Tim Lovejoy

    No idea who this is but just like in the old days, you can count me in. Cunt's as useless as a midget in a yoyo competition
  17. A town with 18 spaces is like a hurdling midget; alright for a laugh but you wouldn't go back
  18. His people will need to talk to your people Scrotely. I'll get my people to look into it. I'm currently licking in to Pan's people
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