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Everything posted by Frank

  1. You know what... I think you're right. I hadn't really thought it through. Good morning.
  2. Thanks for your PM spot.. sweet pea. I'm loving this innings. I only ask that you allow me to stay long enough to decimate fuckwit decimus.
  3. It's irrelevant whether you take it seriously. After attending toilets for most of your miserable life, you've become immune to cock-waving wankers like Wiz. Stand tall, Ape... bud.
  4. The use of the word 'prick' tends to suggest that one has been hurt. Using it three times in one post and you're probably crying inside. Mop up those tears with your croysainT. Cretin.
  5. Alf, in the early hours of this morning, the admin boy rose from his bunk, logged in and called me inelegant, sleazy and pitiless. How do I carry on with that hanging over me?
  6. You've gone to town on the thesaurus tonight, Clint. Not only have you abandoned the soppy hat, you've finally allowed yourself the freedom to interact with us intellects. 'Pitilessness'.... faux ponce. Now that Proper has become an admin bod, and a ruddy good one at that, should I assume that you are now double redundant? lol lol
  7. The tongue/lip/teeth action required to say filet-0-fish is quite extraordinary. I'll give it a try when I next go down on Gobbies Sara Lee slice.. a poohey bloody creme de la creme. Try it in slow motion Baws... the F teeth-flicks off the bottom lip before the tongue rolls over the palate. The O pushes out the lips into a kisser then swiftly draws back to a tight-toothed grin as you shower the word FISSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHH ... up and over the fanny.
  8. Don't believe the shit you read on the internet. Ask me if you're unsure. It's a French word. Pronounce it the French way and don't be a fucking idiot all your life. If you continue to use different sized fonts and other fancy shit, I promise with all my heart to track you down and hang you from a tree.
  9. 'Doltish lunkhead'. Crikey Clint you're digging deep. I think I'm liking the new you.. bullish with a tinge of cunning.
  10. Do you pronounce the T when ordering your morning croissant? I would guess that you probably do. Say it out loud, ding... over and over and over again until your ears bleed. It doesn't sound quite right does it? Du vin, du pain... du Boursin. You silly boy.
  11. Never mind that Wiz, is that Liz Taylor with Burt at 1.16?
  12. After ploughing through the crispy cobwebs of your ancient dried up hairy, I'll take any old hole. Bint.
  13. If we love, we must learn to forgive. What do you know about commercial law Bawsey?
  14. I think so.. yes. Please accept my sincere apologies. I like you... a lot. Shit.
  15. Now you've finally exposed yourself and lost the fucking hat, it's plain for all to see that you are indeed as thick as can be.
  16. Well.. at least you know your place. Good evening.
  17. Poor Decimus must be in a right old state. Tapping out draft after draft after fucking draft, trying to come up with some sort of drawn out retort to Bill's cutting remarks. Don't bother Dec.. you're rubbish.
  18. Music for melancholy fucking morons. I don't like that spazzer one bit.
  19. I wouldn't mind installing a raclette wheel in your hole.
  20. Dec you and I are buddies for life. We all knew you'd struggle to respond directly to Bill on this one. You might be pipping him slightly in the popularity charts, but he'd punch you out fucking cold in a battle of wits. You can bounce off me to your heart's content
  21. Constructive criticism or are you calling the man a cunt? Either way, I wish you both a slow and painful death. Hopefully this is the beginning of the end for you two cock-chomping, arse-bleeding maggots.
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