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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Frank


    Shuffling about, pulling up posts from yesteryear comes across very stubby pecker. Why don’t you fuck off?
  2. Such a superb, dry wit. Brilliant. Stupid fucking cunt.
  3. Frank


    Phew. There’s been a lot of shit and some of it sticks. One Alfie Noakes is plenty.
  4. Frank


    Pen some facetious cunt on here recently suggested that you might possess a tranny set of rattling cock and balls. Say it ain’t so.
  5. Try a little self control.. a few stretches maybe. Breathe. You're on thin ice, Wizardsleeve. Wanker.
  6. A little harsh on poor lady P. Judge is on form and I’d happily give him three consecutive likes if he didn’t think I was trying to get up him. Wiz, on the other hand, is overdue his comeuppance.
  7. She’s called you out for what you are.. a creepy, overly worked-up fucking child of Jazz. Give it a rest you stupid cunt.
  8. Fuck me this is diabolical.
  9. Frank

    The Interabled

    You’ve been warned. Settle down. Idiot.
  10. It was a gamble. I did the racist cunt recently over on the Ronnie O’Sullivan thread and thought he seemed weak these past few days. I simply can’t stand him.
  11. Eric might want to retract his like once he’s read the facts on the death of poor caucasian Sonny Stephenson. What a fucking idiot you are, olly.
  12. You’re right, as a solo act you’ve lost the momentum. I doubt you’ll be around this time next year.
  13. If you take into account the horrific murder of poor Mr Pomeroy, would you consider it an eye for an eye?
  14. The dope-headed old cunt has been through more avatars over the past 5 years than likes awarded. In fact, I’ve just noticed he’s only 0.4% above freak show wiz.
  15. What’s your take on that poor 14 year old lad knocked off his moped and stabbed to death? I just wonder.
  16. Alf who are you trying to kid? You struggle with the number of letters available in a username, make no less than four alterations to your ludicrous take on Brexit this morning, then expect us to take you seriously. You’re a fucking thick retired seaside dwelling spark. Know your place.
  17. You’re so up to speed on all this bollocks, proper, you must have made a mint on the forex. Stupid fucking cunt.
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