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Everything posted by Frank

  1. I don't think I like your tone.
  2. Ooh, you are awful... but I like you. Shit.
  3. This raging panto-poof was moved to the 4am slot for all insomniac thickos.. and black cab drivers. For those who've never listened to Nick Abbot's show over the weekend... it's the best thing on radio.
  4. This one's for you Bill. You're so great x
  5. Frank

    Bacon causes cancer

    These multi-response listings of yours create a null and void. With respect, you come across like a wet fish... with a tick. Lyme disease?
  6. You sit on the sidelines for an hour, then come out with this shit? Sloppy at best.
  7. It's probably best that you fuck off before embarrassing yourself any further. I laugh at drunks... not with them. Speaking of drunks, the Judge hasn't been on for a while.
  8. Drivers of cars with misaligned headlights. No.
  9. Tell me this is your act, snatch. Please!
  10. I'm not sure if I like your tone, Jackie. You come on here with your cynical views, bringing up old long forgotten noms that you know full well have got me into hot water. I've worked ruddy hard to prove to the mods, and myself, that I can be trusted and, at the same time, inspiring. Having said that, I must add that I have never ever ever... ever, crossed paths with someone as stupendously thick as Snatch. Apart from Ape...Ding...Gong... Wiz...Mike........
  11. In hindsight Jackie, it was probably a little harsh to suggest that Ape was a flid. Anyone who can produce a gem of a nom such as 'Drivers of cars with misaligned headlights' should not be boxed. No sir.
  12. I remember when Ape first joined us. He was total rubbish and showed no promise whatsoever. Now after what seems like a fucking lifetime, he has all but dried up into a little creme prune noisette puff.. drier than gobbie's ex-cocksucking cleft palate.
  13. You've got the family photo albums out, snatch! See... self-deprecation can only be healthy. Idiot.
  14. I don't know about that, duncey. She certainly had a temper on her.
  15. I've only managed the double once in my life, baws. I used to see a sweet Thai lady in Clerkenwell on Wednesday's who had the cutest, roundest bum you could ever imagine. I used to bang it until I stopped. She was double jointed and could provide a sensitive yet deep tissue body2body massage whilst having her face pumped off from behind. Can you picture that?
  16. The most disgustng fucking thing with a gob to match. Still Ed, it's no use punching above your weight.
  17. Maria Grazia Cucinotta and Nigella Lawson in an oral without double bukkake. You can have that for nothing.
  18. Frank

    punishing brats

    It's those clocks. Shit.
  19. Frank

    punishing brats

    Don't bother correcting this confused cretin, Scotty. The boy is so stupendously fucking dim, he struggles to avoid bumping into walls... let alone grasping basic English grammar. Like dipstick Ding, he truly is shot to pieces.. alot.
  20. While most of us enjoy the extra hour snuggled up in bed with our lovers, you're up and away tapping out shit upon shit. One would think that purely, as a numbers game, something you write will eventually raise a smile. No. That's a super new avatar! Dope.
  21. It's 'minkey' you rambling fucking idiot. https://youtu.be/Y9YViHbaAWM
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