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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Frank

    Google fact cunts

    I’m so happy ape. Christ.. what a life. Bisous.
  2. See your PM. An extraordinary coincidence or is MC out of his tiny mind?
  3. What's the thinking behind the head height door handle?
  4. It looks like a cross between a cheap indian-run tooth whitening centre and a disabled toilet. I bet it fucking stinks in there of old chip oil.
  5. I might be mistaken, but is that you over on the other thread wearing a pair of turned-up stonewashed demin three-quarter-lengths?
  6. You complete idiot. Fuck off.
  7. I have a French wife. She poked me throughout the game with her nicotine fingers, laughing and waving her passport in my face whilst agreeing with every word of that know-all cunt decimus’ match appraisal. Gyppo was warming up with her midnight shit and I’m afraid I lost it.
  8. Frank


    I’m a bit short on likes bend.
  9. No, you fuck off. Mouthy little cunt.
  10. Frank


    We've had some moments, wiz, but I'd be lying if I said you had a purpose here.
  11. Imagine the size of that drunken whore's garage.
  12. Frank

    Hot weather

    When I lost my Ming for the third time, if it wasn’t for the solace found here in the comforting words of the membership, I doubt I’d be here today. Thank you, Proper.
  13. Frank

    Hot weather

    He’s fucking dead, proper. Leave me alone.
  14. Frank

    Hot weather

    This is all therapeutic. I once took him to see Sinatra at the Albert Hall in the early 90’s. Not once had I seen him cry but he absolutely lost it when Frank sang ‘It was a very good year’. A great dad, sorely missed.
  15. Frank


    Just keep it light, tot. You have no clue.
  16. Frank

    Hot weather

    It’s quite extraordinary but I think you’re getting worse. Go to bed you desperately thick alcoholic whore.
  17. It’s never ever really been a ‘holiday’ has it, Jazz? My god, that poor kid.
  18. You absolute fucking Dullard. Why do you bother?
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