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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Frank


    Do you really need to spell it out? Remember Bubble.. less is more. Idiot.
  2. Regardless of you always being a bit shit and a bonus-led polyester plagiarist, I like you very much. I don’t know why, I just do. Do you like other men?
  3. I’ve been away for a while and it’s great to see some intellect on board. Brexit aside, what else is up your sleeve?
  4. Bubba I drove the entire length of the A303 this afternoon and all I could think about was you. If I’m honest, Proper’s thorny words were upsetting. Are you putting on a front?
  5. Decimus is a little cunt who just happens to benefit from the fundamental basics that might have passed us by.. an education. His ‘flashing wiz-bang machine’ from the other night caught me in a moment and I nearly swallowed my vape. No one else comes close and if I’m honest, I think I’d like to suck his dick.
  6. Yeah. Bubba’s quiet..
  7. I might be available.
  8. Did you notice that I received absolutely no praise after single-handedly destroying jazz the other night?
  9. That last line shouldn’t really be enough to save you from a short ban.
  10. Frank

    Wine Connoisseurs

    Go on then. Stupid cunt.
  11. Frank

    Wine Connoisseurs

    I bet you do. He softened it very slightly with that last line, but fuck me bubba, what he said is true and that’s got to hurt.
  12. Frank

    Wine Connoisseurs

    Who do you turn to? Shit.
  13. Frank

    Wine Connoisseurs

    I’m the best on here.
  14. Frank

    Mutiny Festival.

    What does stopping down mean?
  15. Frank

    Mutiny Festival.

    I’ve been using a great little 50mm Fuji lens. It stops down to 1.2 and it’s fantastic in low light. What’s your favourite lens and why?
  16. Frank

    Mutiny Festival.

    Ape I’m always here. You more than anyone should know that.
  17. I’m 40 this week stubby. I’ve bought myself two pairs of Bottega Veneta slides.
  18. Frank

    Mutiny Festival.

    Tot you might’ve noticed the site has been turned on his head over the past 24 hours. It’s time for you to fuck off forever.
  19. Absolutely awful. You’ve no place on here.
  20. When that boy comes a knocking, you’ll fucking know about it Bubba C.
  21. Frank

    Mutiny Festival.

    Video not available in the UK. Yanky dead-dadded wanker.
  22. Frank

    Mutiny Festival.

    If you can picture the poor Mrs Jazz.. a disgusting council-mouthed Debbie McGee, you can imagine the tragic three-eyed cleft lip fuck up of a son.
  23. You remind me a lot of Eddie. In the back of my mind there’s a soft spot for both of you. In reality you’re both fucking rubbish.
  24. Frank

    Mutiny Festival.

    You might be aware that your photo is currently doing the rounds via pm, courtesy of total bore bawsey. Do they not do shoulders where you come from?
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