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Everything posted by Frank

  1. You're a fucking idiot, ape. You've proven it time after time over the years, and there's no cunt on here who'd disagree.
  2. No. However, it's a bit strong to hate the man.
  3. You know very well that I don't recognise you as a valid member, stubbs. You may quote me on a daily basis, but I'm telling you now., they'll be no further correspondence between us, ever.
  4. It is. How could anyone hate that man?
  5. That's a ridiculous thing to say. Idiot.
  6. Ape when Elvis sings P.J Proby’s ‘I Just Can’t Help Believing’ there’s a long pause before ‘...for more than just a day’ which is very hard to master.
  7. Withers your character is very weak.. always has been. Fuck off.
  8. I’ve mixed my drinks tonight ape. White wine followed by red then grappa and vogue menthols. Is Jazz still referring to me as the son of a Weimaraner whore?
  9. Of course I’m ashamed but I’m not alone. I have never known someone who once gave me so much pleasure hit the wall so hard. I’m talking about Quincy Cockfingers.
  10. Decimus covers politics and the bleedin’ obvious these days. And he does it very well. Let’s have some fun.
  11. Ape what on earth are you up to? You’re out of your depth on any subject outside of plastic RC miniatures, you fucking idiot. Don’t get involved.
  12. At 2.43 Rena Day pulls a face that stirs something inside me that I can’t begin to describe, punk. She reminds me of a young no-nonsense Gyppo sucking on an unwashed incestual half-chat cock.
  13. Thank you, withers. Who the fuck does that wordy worm think he is? Hang on, I’m going to play you a song.
  14. It’s released in November. You okay, Pen?
  15. That might be so, witheredscrote, but I don’t recall you ever being here on PPC.
  16. I need to find my feet, A. I’ve got some material for the cheap seats. Lol LOL
  17. Admin called, tot. They need me, apparently. Shit.
  18. https://youtu.be/tQh-_llN_UY
  19. Frank


    Apart from Alf, the lot of you make me fucking sick. I’m leaving.
  20. Frank


    You’re repetitive and boring.. somewhere between wiz and olly, and your jazzy effort was over-exaggerated tosh devoid of any humour. There’ll be no further communication between us.
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