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Everything posted by Ape™️

  1. Everyone else can see it, thus proving that you are a dunce using a BBC Model B computer. Get yourself up to date, you utter cunt.
  2. So, Punky, can you see the fucking image now?
  3. Fuck off you shit-stabbing poof.
  4. No, it's not I'm afraid. This cunt is for real. It's horrifying.
  5. I suspect the problem is with your primitive hardware Punky, along with the fact you're a complete cretin.
  6. It should be displaying as a photo within the post - it is in my browser..
  7. This maniac has undergone extensive procedures to look more like his favourite birds - parrots. This includes having his FUCKING EARS REMOVED, as well as various studs, horns, tattoos and the whites of his eyes coloured. To quote Mr Stickers from a recent post - Polly want a spacker? Polly want a spacker? It would seem that Polly IS a spacker.
  8. Ape™️


    Hmmm - food for thought.
  9. So what you're saying, in layman's terms, is that you are massively autistic?
  10. Do you have some super computer that assists you with your CC content, or are you massively autistic?
  11. I wish you were a simulation - then I could shut you down and burn the machine hosting you.
  12. It seems that whenever I purchase an item online, I am subsequently hounded to the ends of the earth for my comments and feedback on the "experience" of buying said item from these cunts. Most recently I bought a case to protect an expensive mobile I got for my daughter, and since then I've been emailed on a daily basis to complete some questionnaire. It's fucking relentless.
  13. Err yeah, OK TC, whatever you say. Heaven forbid you should feel the need to get all your imaginary tools out and cave my cuntbrain in! Fucking idiot.
  14. I know his name is nothing to do with being black (which he isn't).
  15. Not to mention a blow job.
  16. Turn to medication instead. Around 100 aspirin should do it.
  17. Indeed - I fail to understand why this cunt is so highly regarded by some folk.
  18. I can imagine anyone getting fed up with a "cuntbrain" such as you TC, and pretty fucking quickly too. Around 0.2 attoseconds after meeting you I'd estimate.
  19. Another ridiculously overrated bass player, like shit-cunt-Collins, with another ridiculous fucking name. For those who've never heard of this cunt, you'll be surprised to hear that he's not black.
  20. Don't forget the fact he's a flid.
  21. I wouldn't take any notice of Panzyspacker Wiz - he's not exactly playing with a full deck. I think he may be a flid.
  22. Good retort - brilliant in fact. Just like some other wanker whose name was a genre of shit music.
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