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Everything posted by Ape™️

  1. It's way more likely to lose pressure due to poor bead seating or valve leakage. What do you do? Check your tyres once every six months, secure in the knowledge they're full of white dot nitrogen? Like I originally said, there are no benefits to road tyre users - only to road tyre retailers. And what you did wasn't giving the reasoning behind the idea, it was you being your usual, smug, clever clogs self now, isn't it. Oh, and fuck off.
  2. Don't flatter yourself. It's well documented that there are no benefits whatsoever to road car drivers using nitrogen in their tyres. So you hyperlinked a text from the Internet - fucking clever old you. Get it through your thick head that the air we put in our tyres is already 78% nitrogen. Christ you are a fucking dreadful, self satisfied pseudo know it all. I bet you've got special little valve caps on your car wheels with a pretty N on them. Have a look at what the motoring organisations have to say about it. Oh, and while you're at it - fuck off.
  3. Do you know how much bigger a nitrogen molecule is than an oxygen molecule? A nitrogen molecule is roughly 300 picometres across whereas an oxygen molecule is around 292 picometers - a difference of about 2.7%. Considering air already consists of 78% nitrogen the benefits of supposed reduced permeation are total fucking contrived bollocks. Stick that in your smart arse admin pipe. Don't tell me you've fallen for it?
  4. Just goes to show they're only human. An embarrassing and hugely expensive fucking cock up, that's for sure.
  5. If you read to the end of the nom, you'll see it directly cunts those who have fallen for this marketing scam.
  6. I wondered how long it would be before one of the flids commented. Lol, lol. Fucking brilliant. Kaboooom. Oh, lol, lol.
  7. Fuck all this talk of Brexit, I'm more interested in when Spaxit is happening, and CC can return to normal operation.
  8. Is this your "mom" or your "missus"?
  9. It's amusing that you have, by your own admission, a very small dick, whilst at the same time being a massive fucking dick. Fuck off.
  10. Ape™️


    I've noticed that all tyre dealers are now offering nitrogen as a wonder alternative to air (already 78% nitrogen) that they can shove in your tyres at great expense. They claim reduced rate of deflation and reduced fuel consumption amongst the supposed benefits. It's utter fucking bollocks, and anyone stupid enough to pay £5 a corner for it is indeed a stupid fucking cunt.
  11. The Deltic engine has always fascinated me. Brilliant engineering.
  12. You actually own a PlayStation 4? And you're only 37? Shit, that really knocks my large family home into a cocked hat. How have you made it so far up the ladder so young? Please, tell me your secret!
  13. And living with your mum. Do you pay anything towards the Iceland weekly food delivery?
  14. Remind me - do you live with your mum, have an imaginary "missus" and earn obscene amounts of money selling rubbish to thick cunts?
  15. Jazz would be like the fucking messiah compared to these amoebic cretins. Perhaps CC has contracted the Facebook virus?
  16. I prime example of unadulterated stupidity.
  17. RIP CC - the idiots are taking over.
  18. Changing the channel would hopefully mean I won't have to endure the auspastic (new word for Ding) rantings, in CAPITALS, about getting his license fee back. Surely the cunt has bigger things in life to worry about?
  19. Why not change the channel and shut the fuck up?
  20. Oh look, the ever popular IKTC is busy expanding his fan club. Utter fucking moron.
  21. Great response. Really well though out and considered.
  22. Just because there was a referendum (thanks for pointing that out you prick) doesn't mean I have to agree with, or like the result. It also does not mean for one minute it was the right result.
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