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Everything posted by Ape™️

  1. Would you recommend just trade silicone or a higher quantity type, with anti-fungicide additives?
  2. Ahhhh ha ha ha ha ha! I see what you did there! Fucking brilliant!
  3. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Thanks - I'm touched. Prick.
  4. Shut up you verbose, thick, easily antagonised fucking idiot.
  5. Perhaps the site should be renamed "Bloody Nice Bloke Corner" instead?
  6. What a dreadful looking object. Looks like it has car wheels on it. Surely only cunts buy such things?
  7. Your continued responses, to posts designed specifically to elicit a response, speak volumes about your stupidity. Fuck off, you spectacularly fucking thick twat. lol. Lol.
  8. Shut it you shit-stabbing wanker. lol.
  9. Not everyone's arse is 3" diameter Punky. Some people still do thin poo. Oh, and while I've got your attention - fuck off.
  10. At the risk of being reported, I want you fucking dead. Dead by dawn.
  11. Fuck off you stupid little poof. lol.
  12. Do you actually have a job? Fuck off and do something useful, you utter waste of oxygen.
  13. If I were a Cunt-Factor judge, I think we both know who I'd award top marks to. Now, fuck off, you nasty little cum-guzzler.
  14. You can't help but rise to the bait, you fucking dopey wanker. Thick as fucking pig shit.
  15. And changing the subject once more, fuck off.
  16. Evening Punkers. I'm intrigued - what's your handicap (the golf one, not the fact you're a flid)?
  17. Shouldn't there be one with poof on it, for Spunky?
  18. I bet you used to kick with your left foot, eh Punky? You a left footer are you? A screaming left footer? Are you?
  19. It may not have Islamic cunts in it, but I know for a fact it's got at least one stupid fucking cunt in it.
  20. And that's down to Europe is it? As Gongers has already said, it's the UK that let's them in. Why do you think so many emigrants want to come here in the first place? We're a soft touch - we're the land of milk and fucking honey to these people. And this has absolutely fuck all to do with Europe.
  21. Don't be ridiculous? What the fuck is that supposed to mean? That you, with your imaginary wealth and status, with your Range Rover and your golf club, with your absurd Catholic views, couldn't possibly live in such an area? You have massive sympathy for people in such towns? Utter, utter fucking bollocks you fucking wanker. lol.
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