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Everything posted by Ape™️

  1. Ape™️

    Fucking Cramp

    I was on a 20 mile blast on my road bike tonight and got a cramp in my left calf at the 18 mile point. Fucking agony for about 5 minutes and it's tender as fuck now. Cramp is most definitely a CUNT.
  2. Everything I do, I do it for you. Really Bryan? Ok, well if you really want to do something for me, jump into a Trent 800 (or a GE90) at takeoff thrust, you cunt.
  3. Why the fuck anyone would want to "ride" something more like a two wheeled car than a motorcycle is beyond me. I fucking hate the stupid things.
  4. Vewy well, I shall welease wodewick.

  5. Gap toothed Canadian cunt of the highest order.
  6. Ape™️


    My Jack Russell really, really likes cats......
  7. Please accept my humble apologies. Speaking of Frank, I wonder how he will adapt to the new environment?
  8. Ok, I'm raising the stakes, you fucking stupid fucking cunt!
  9. Shame really as that was half the fun of the Corner. I know occasionally things went a bit far but generally I think it was within what you'd expect when on a site called "Cunts Corner".
  10. Fuck me this is going to take some getting used to........
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