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Everything posted by Ape™️

  1. By using the cauliflower-like object between your ears Del.
  2. Up front as in your whole manner with others on this site, as a supposed newbie.
  3. You're pretty up front for a supposed newbie, mate.
  4. My money says you'll have had a fucking good kicking before 10pm. Hopefully.
  5. Ape™️

    Guest Forum ?

    Frank, you terrible cunt. Where have you been?
  6. Where are you Keith? You're getting my hopes up.
  7. Ape™️

    Rate my dancing

    He'd burn for fucking months!
  8. Ape™️

    Rate my dancing

    Fair play to the fat cunt, that dance must have taken some serious strength to perform. Try shaking a bull walrus and you'll see what I mean.
  9. Ape™️


    I wonder if it's possible to buy "yogurt" in an aluminum container?
  10. Ape™️


    Only a cunt would cunt yoghurt.
  11. I was only thinking about this very same thing yesterday! I always clean up the vile outpouring of my dogs arse, and bin it. As you say, why the fuck would anyone go the the trouble of picking the stinking shit up, and then fail to put it in the bin. What kind of person would do such a thing? A fucking stupid fucking cunt, that's who.
  12. For you, there is no option.
  13. Ape™️

    Rap music

    I believe I need to sound the "utterly shit fucking nom" claxon.
  14. Gonger showed promise briefly, but I agree he seemed to slip into the Corner a little too easily, as it he'd been here before. When I first started some jumped up prick called Londonm got in my face a fair bit. Cunt.
  15. Sorry, I have no idea what you are talking about......
  16. Keith, you can't just "get a job as a glass blower", you would need years of training and also to possess some basic level of intelligence.This is, as ever, utter fucking crap, you daft prick.
  17. Ape™️


    I've just been listening to Severe Punishment by Wu Tang Clan......fucking great track although it does try to kick my bass drivers out the window when played loud.
  18. From the nom critic supreme, comes this pile of shit. What were you thinking Frank, you fucking idiot?
  19. Ape™️


    I look ruddy depressed? If you are, as I suspect, looking at my avatar and personifying it, then I'm not depressed, I'm smelling my finger. Why? Because I R Baboon.
  20. Ape™️


    Well, the chances of you ever saying something smart are pretty slim I'd say, mint sauce. Also, please do yourself a favour and avoid sounding like an American in your posts, as this makes you look even more of a cunt.
  21. He had me convinced right up until the bit about the watery poo coming out, as this is obviously bullshit.
  22. Trying to understand why anyone would buy a Citroen Cactus. Fucking dreadful looking car.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Guest


      Fook me that cactus is revolting...

      Are those pads for picking it up when it rolls over onto its ski's?

      PS.. Bad naming.. the pricks are on the inside... trololol..!!

    3. Ape™️


      Good call with the Multipla, they are revolting. However, I raise you a Ssanyong Musso......

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