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Everything posted by Ape™️

  1. Yes, I guess with such a limited intellect you have to use it sparingly.
  2. When it comes to making someone look a cunt, Decimal, you do it no better than when the subject matter is yourself.
  3. Have you been snorting Ajax again Keith?
  4. You're a strange cunt, that's for sure.
  5. Ok, curse him with being a stupid cunt. Blimey, that was.........
  6. Turn him into a stupid cunt. Blimey, that was quick!
  7. So, your idea, on a site specifically tailored to name the cunts of the world, is to make a list of cunts? You're a fucking genius!
  8. Ape™️

    Monster's Inc

    It was just a simple question Keith, you touchy cunt. Is she?
  9. There can surely be only one response to this? Pile of shit.
  10. Ape™️

    Coffee wankers

    Did she get into a kind of voodoo rage about it?
  11. Ape™️

    Coffee wankers

    It's the uber-cunts who go to these places and then order decaf that amaze me. Why the fuck would anyone drink coffee without caffeine? What's the fucking point? Excuse me, I'm off for a line of amphetamine-free speed now.
  12. I think it's safe to say that you will look like a cunt in any photograph Prof, so don't lay the blame on photo booths.
  13. Something isn't right here. I'm still convinced Frank has been got at.......
  14. I wouldn't get too hung up on it Prof; Mrs Roops is just trying to maintain the balance between good and evil. She's fucking great!
  15. Yes, I've heard of people doing this to. Honestly, what kind of utter fucking cunt would do such a thing?
  16. Illogical, insane and unreasonable is what the Yanks are though, with the addition of fat and arrogant for good measure.
  17. Sorry, I didn't realise he'd evolved so far. A lean, mean drinking machine!
  18. Buy utter shit and store it in an obvious location. Buy some decent stuff and hide it well!
  19. Fucking hell what a little poof this cunt is! He's a judge in the Strictly shite that my Mrs is gleefully watching at the moment and I guarantee he drops anchor in poo bay.
  20. Ape™️


    Think what you like, idiot, but you are showing your true colours for all to see.
  21. Ape™️


    Fuck off you stupid cunt. This kind of comment is neither funny or appropriate. Wanker.
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