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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Neil


    ​Tighter rope is the only answer
  2. Neil


    FUCK!!...now I know why my inheritance had suddenly gone down,fucking bitch!
  3. Neil


    ​Please dont knock on her door,she'll think the grim reaper has finally arrived
  4. Neil


    I must remember to tell my sister-in-law who looks after my 89 year old stroke victim mother-in -law that shes a fucking leech.
  5. ​ Dear Mr 'My shit dont stink' Whats the matter,not had a fuck lately?,soooo uptight,whats up with Mrs Stickers?.still full up with spunk from last nights punters? 1.I know where Donnay comes from cos I watched the documentary on it the other night(which one were you?) 2.I apologise profusely(Is that how you spell it?) for my name you dickhead 3.Don't knock my grammar,she's 93 next week you cunt 4.Nothing wrong with muggy little cunt but try "Fuck orf you pompous big cunt" 5.Never been to Lidl,full of chavvy cunts Daft cunt
  6. ​put your baseball cap on backwards,jump into your wide wheeled Citroen and fuck off to Lidl will you Bill and pick up my weekly groceries,and dont forget to buy yourself a new pair of Donnay trackies from Sports Direct while your in town,now jog on you muggy little cunt
  7. ​Even the more upmarket shops are full of cunts & Harrods is just too far to go for a loaf........mmm peasanty?,wonder if that'd get accepted on countdown?
  8. I dont go 'shopping' because the shops are full of cunts both sides of the counter.Go online and make your purchases without having to smell some soap dodgers stinky pits and listen to some fucking chavs horrible offspring whining and screaming,its what the internet was invented for....that and wanking
  9. Thats why you're fat,every time you sucked your dads dick he gave you a biscuit
  10. My missus sucked my dick once in a House of Mirrors,she blew it way out of proportion
  11. warming up now.....hey chaps,Did you hear that Fatty was told to avoid saturated fat so he stopped shagging his missus in the shower
  12. Did you hear the one about Fatty being diagnosed with a terminal flesh eating disease? the doctor gave him 32 years to live
  13. had enuff or d'ya want some more fat cunt?
  14. He commited suicide at a local petrol station and to this day I cant drive past that garage without filling up
  15. My mate entered a internal combustion competition,he should win it, he's on fire at the moment
  16. I love chinky tucker, Friday night:cold beer, Take-away delivery of Ribs,sauce & Chicken fried rice, Bongo dvd in the player realising they've fucked up your order Riceless! I'm 'ere all week
  17. ​Are you just asking your dad for your favourite dessert?
  18. Some travellers are OK(the ones that fuck off rather than squat) but the only good gypsy is a fucking dead one.thieving pikey cunts!
  19. Fuck up Shitforbrains
  20. Sorry 'bout that,still feeling fucking spikey!
  21. ​Yes I did put traffic cops in the search,like I said 'sanctimonious cunts'
  22. Cheers cunt,Yep i was speeding and now I have 3 points,thing is they will be gone in a few years but you Sir will still be a grade one cunt.Before any of you sanctimonious cunts start lecturing me I'll take the consequences and deal with it but it aint speeding that kills its bad driving that kills so fuck you 'ol bill,I hope your cock falls off and your missus gets fucked up the arse by the local rugby team,and as for wishing me a nice evening when leaving me by the roadside I can only reciprocate by wishing you a fucking shit life you horrible little cuntflap.
  23. Neil


    Roys is there but it was Bowthorpe.Just showered so the scum has all gone
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