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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Neil

    April cunts

    Can't even be bothered to read the cunting story that reads 'BBC Breakfast Air April Fools Joke'.....how fucking tedious,any cunt that either pulls,laughs at or believes any of this absolute cuntishness is a fucking cunty cuntstick that deserves instant death Fuck off
  2. Exactly that...worry,and fucking un neccessary worry at that.My PSA has just been done at 8.9 which is its lowest for 5 years and I've been told now after 5 years and 3 biopsies that I'm no longer on their radar.If any of you go for this test and its above 6 they'll have you in and start fucking you about thus start the cycle of fear and foreboding which in some cases never fucking ends,and all for fuck all!.Ive known men recently have a reading of over 15 (should be around 4.5 to 5 for a 50 year old,their figures not mine).Following blood test came back at 2.1!,No rhyme nor reason.The last one I had (trans rectal) was a fucking nightmare and I believe probably caused more fucking harm than good.If you want to waste your time reading about it then do so but how the fuck can you worry about something that says "82% of high PSA do not mean you have cancer but 20% of negative results doesn't mean that you haven't got It!.Live your life and forget this bollocks and unless your shitting blood stop fucking worrying.
  3. It may as well be this fucker
  4. Cheers for that fucking vision,thats my curry making a re-appearance you cunt.
  5. You paint a picture I never want to see,give me a advert with 7 st nymphs cavorting in their undies and.........oh fuck!,not again?
  6. I did write one novel for them under my pseudonym but I think the prudish cunts didn't like the title.
  7. Yes,I'll take over from here,the reason is really quite simple.The less time you have to look at the ugly south Yorkshire munters the better,so chuck your muck asap,kick her in the cunt,chuck her out and go and have a proper wank on the internet......simples!
  8. Neil


    Now look what you've made me do!
  9. Neil


    I'd have to work very hard to match that!
  10. Neil

    Boot Sale cunts

    They're unsaleable by the time i've finished with them.
  11. Drove past one yesterday at the local rugby club,never seen so many high end 4x4/top range Suv's in one place.This proves that these cunts with money get fucking greedier the more money that they have.The place was probably full of fucking old tat that most people would fucking dump anyway.I bet they didn't pay what was asked for when buying either,I overheard one a few years back when someone said "you've got this marked up at 25,would you take 15?"....he was talking PENCE for fuck sake!.
  12. Neil


    Who' s the bald cunt on Mock The Weak (sic)? ,Andy someone?,anyway he's as funny as a tumour,the cunt sounds like he's doing a Gryff Rhys-jones impession....badly, and he's an even unfunnier cunt.
  13. That's out of order,she told me she was 16.
  14. Stephen Fry is an 'oral only' woofter.That God cunt works in mysterious ways eh?
  15. You're forgetting the Major in Fawlty Towers........."'No, no, no,' I said, 'the niggers are the West Indians. These people are wogs.
  16. What's Ken Dodd got to do with it?
  17. I won't go into the gory details but I have now been given the all clear and they don't want to see me again thank fuck.I have no intention of letting anyone else EVER to go near my chocolate tea towel holder again.Hats off to the poofs because how they ever take a cock up there ill never fucking know.
  18. I have an appointment this afternoon funnily enough,I bet the cunt has got fingers like a cigar!
  19. You wouldn't want it on your nose for a wart!
  20. And there lies the problem.As soon as these work shy,lazy,benefit seeking cunts know that it's the one they go for.I imagine the doctors know that the cunts are swinging the lead but get to the point that by labelling it means that they can either get their commisson from the drugs company and/or get rid of the cunt from the surgery.I have erectile dysfunction in that I always have a boner but you don't hear me complaining,I just deal with it......about 5 times a day.
  21. For 'Quaint' read outdated,run by some city dwelling cunt,Sunday roast murdering shitholes.Its like going back in time entering these fucking flea pits ,the usual yokel strategically placed at the end of the bar drinking from a pewter tankard that looks like it's been dug up and sporting a beard that has more wildlife in it than the local woods.Ipod plugged into big fuck off Toshiba speakers blaring out 80's fucking tripe,a pool table with less cloth on it than biafran school kid and a dart board bulging with more bristles than the chins in the front row of a Mecca bingo hall.Usually fronted by some cockney fucking knob that thinks he can make money out of the locals who have become an expert in making half a bitter last all fucking day.'Bistro' my fucking arse.Signs on the wall advertising a quiz night that will be attended by one man and his fucking dog,and as for the Sunday carvery,fuck me,I thought my missus couldn't fucking cook but it turns out she could get a job in any of these fucking time machines. Raze the cunts to the ground.
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