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Everything posted by Neil

  1. I personally find it very fucking difficult to eat with my mouth closed,have you a hole in your cheek or do you snort all your food up your cavernous bugle?
  2. Neil

    Amethyst Realm

    I'd give her the willies
  3. Fucking repeat bollox
  4. Neil

    Fucking Scum

    Talking of scum,there's a fucking pikey scumbag just duped South Norfolk Council with his application for a stable block on a local field to keep a horse in,turns out the stable block is now a 3 bedroom bungalow and now the cunt has put an application in for a mobile home,tourer pitches and concrete bases.At least I'll have things to do in the evenings now.Those shitty underpants will come in handy for flinging at the cunt every time I go past.Dirty fucking pikey bastard shitcunts.
  5. Neil

    Nichi Hodgson

    Its only rape if my cheque bounces
  6. Is that when you had the gender reassignment surgery eh? I fucking knew there was something iffy about you.Were you worth a fuck back in the day?
  7. Neil

    Blubbing women

    Has another Sunshine bus crashed near CC HQ?,They call them a 'Variety' bus these days which is a bit misleading as all the kids on board look the same
  8. Neil

    Phony Battlers.

    More repeat bollocks Battle re-enactment cunts By CCArchive, August 14, 2014 in CC Archives
  9. Neil

    Fucking Scum

    I've had these on there for 2 months and no cunts bid on 'em yet,what the fuck is wrong with people?
  10. Neil

    Fucking Pop Music

    Partner?....fucking hell not another fucking iron.If you are a poof why don't you fuck off,if by 'partner' you mean wife/bird/fuck friend then you're OK by me........but you can still fuck off for saying Partner,you fucking bellend
  11. I wish a few members on here would form a tribute band to Viola Beach and copy their gig route in Sweden
  12. Any impersonator of any kind is an absolute fucking bell end.
  13. Neil

    White Dog Turds

    Isn't Tommy Robinson one of these?
  14. Where can I sign my wife up for this? She'd be ideal what with her having years of experience with having to cope with my member.Im sure she wouldn't mind having to handle something a bit smaller
  15. I'd like to cover them all........with a petrol soaked blanket.....cunts
  16. Neil


    Its a double bagger from me
  17. The best 'on hold' music should be that track by Blondie....what the fuck is that called now?
  18. Welcome to university challenge,name.Boaby.specialist subject.the bleeding obvious. Fuck off
  19. Neil

    Piers morgan

    Fucking repeat bollocks whoever the fuck you are,and probably a bigger cunt than Morgan and that's fucking almost impossible
  20. Neil

    Tanyalee Davis

    Well,if we are talking to scale I'd say I was like Mandingo in that her tonsils were rattling against my helmet!
  21. Neil

    Tanyalee Davis

    Fooled you all,It's Vern Troyer in drag,any cunt can see that!
  22. Neil


    This I had heard about but never(until now)had the misfortune of seeing it....you utter,utter fucking cunt!
  23. Neil


    What do you wank to?.....One Man And His Dog? All Creatures Great And Small?
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