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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Not the first time the slut has been on her back surrounded by a load of black men,dirty fucking bitch....I'd still lend the crusty 'ol bint one though
  2. Have you been in a coma for 16 years you daft cunt? I hear Mafeking's been relieved
  3. Some cunt kept off a train by some cunts in a country full of cunts,couldn't give a cunt personally
  4. Neil

    The One Show

    Has there ever been a bigger dog turd of a programme?,fronted by 2 inane fuckwits,one a northern monkey so bland he makes Andy Murray sound interesting,that cackling Welsh bint can fuck right off too,pair of cunts
  5. ......and what do you feed your pet snake on ?
  6. Jaywick Sands??... More like fucking Beirut, full of fat cunts with dog ends for teeth,that cunt who's got a house full of fuckwit kids and a bigger fuckwit boyfriend,£2400 quid a month this cunt gets from the government,that's yours and my taxes that she's spunking every month on pet fucking snakes,the obligatory chav 'must have' staffy terrier and plasma screens bigger than a fucking car.these cunts should not be allowed anywhere near money, give em food vouchers and take their fucking animals away from them so they spend their money on soap or shampoo which would be more suitable for the fat,stinking brainless cunts!,every one of the oxygen thief cunts have got a fag in one hand and a fucking tinny in the other all paid for by me and you.All the cunts are obese on maccy fucking dees cos they're too fucking lazy to cook a decent meal for them and their little chavvy leeches that themselves one day will follow in the footsteps of cunts that are only still alive cos it's illegal to kill them.Any cunt who has no intention of contributing to this country by working and paying taxes should be fucking sterilised until they prove that they can be responsible enough to pay and look after anything that they may produce when shagging a like minded fuckwit scrounging cunt.the best part of all of em ran down their mothers arse crack and I for one would gladly direct ISIS to Jaywick to exterminate as many western infidels as they like.
  7. Neil

    Harry Redknapp

    Hate the twitchy dodgy cunt with a passion,Fuck off Redknapp as far as you can go,and when you get there fuck off a little further,and when you get there ,fuck off some more....Oh by the way,I'd fuck your daughter in-law right in the rusty sherrifs badge,cunt
  8. I'll get my missus to PM you,I dont know her secret but hers is coming on a fucking treat!
  9. I fucking hate these uneducated cunts,usually some fuckwit thats trying to sound intelligent but has the brain cells of a Jeremy Kyle audience...Its NOT somethink or anythink you dumb cunt,just all fuck off and die you shit for brains cunts!
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