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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Neil

    This shit.

    I bet he wont get fooled again
  2. Neil

    This shit.

    There you go Sticks me 'ol mucker,PC enough for yer?
  3. Neil

    This shit.

    A famous actress recently put a story online that her 8 year old son had said to her "when I'm older mummy will I have a girlfriend?" And then apparently said "or maybe I may have a boyfriend,which would you like me to have mummy?",this particular mother thought that was really cute.now I don't see that as 'normal' but it is spreading through everyday life as if that's no problem.i know a lot of people don't see that as a big deal and perceive my stance as 'the problem'.they're entitled to their stance and I'm entitled to mine.i won't cross their lives if they stay the fuck out of mine.All I know that if I was out for a beer and came across 3 pubs,one for those who don't know,one for dykes and shirt lifters and a regular 'norm' establishment then I know which two I'm giving a wide berth.if that makes me wrong and archaic sounding then tough titty,I'm sure I'm not the only one who dislikes woofters and trans benders or whatever they call them
  4. Neil

    This shit.

    Yep,there's a lot worse things I could be,deal with it fuckface
  5. Neil

    This shit.

    Perhaps they didn't appreciate my selfie!
  6. probably,but until you've been advised to "fucking kill yourself" then you've not really been welcomed properly
  7. I bet you play in plus 4's or lime green trousers you wannabe posh cunt
  8. I worked in Yarmouth on Wednesday and I was in awe of the sites on offer,if anyone watched the oap in Benidorm prog the other night the only difference was the fucking temperature,mobility scooter fucking heaven it was, fat cunts in ridiculous amounts and more foreign accents than Heathrow airport.just picked up a 10 week job in thetford and judging by your comments I'll have plenty to post on here!.attleborough is a stinking shithole by the way
  9. Fucking hell,I didn't realise some of you cunts were so close,and there was me thinking i was the only cunt in the village
  10. Neil

    Mo Farah

    Didn't hear the doorbell over the chomping sound coming from his daughters bedroom as she consumed her 5th meal of the morning
  11. Happy ending?...Oh no,my guns just gone off!
  12. Under doctors orders now,got a blood test in 3 weeks so no more wanking,got to keep the old PSA levels down so I'm sitting on my hands typing this with my hooter.I've been declared wankrupt!
  13. I was too busy laughing at the useless cunts to notice if any of 'em were worth a tug
  14. Ok I confess to have watched some of the World Cup,I channel hopped 10 minutes ago and started to watch the 2nd half of Switzerland v Cameroon,now I played football for best part of 25 years and I reckon that if I got my old team back together from say 25 years ago when we were all about 30 and now mid 50's we'd fucking slaughter what is on show at the moment,not one of them could trap a bag of cement,they can control a ball further than I can fucking kick it,what a pile of Fucking poo I'm watching,the commentary is even fucking worse.womens football? Fuck off! You're shit aaaaagh!
  15. ​Fucking hell!,Have I really portrayed myself as some over sexed,sleazy,king of the art of wanking type who walks around all day with a permanent boner? .... Oh well......If the cap fits
  16. If they were Mars Bars the fat cunt would love to be behind them,Put the lard arse away and feed her 500 calories a day until she A,loses some weight and rejoins the human race B,hangs her fucking self C,eats her fucking way out.
  17. Why does anyone want to actually go to the shops?,order online and get it delivered,that way you only have to suffer one fuckwit driver instead of a whole shopfull of the cunts.Tell him to leave the crates at the door and fuck him off asap,job done
  18. ​Match Of The Day,Lineker does fuck all for me
  19. Top man,that is safely tucked away in the 'ol wank bank,I'll let you know how I get on/off
  20. I was like that when Flo-Jo used to run the 100 metres,I was in my prime then,could knock out 4 or 5 a day but I'm fucked if I could lob a silky rope in under 11 seconds!
  21. Couldn't give a cows cunt
  22. Neil

    Jib Jab

    Good cuntery all round chaps,well played
  23. Neil

    Chav Speak

    I worked here for 2 years back in the early nineties but boy o boy has it gone downhill since then or what? If they gave England an enema they'd surely stick the tube in Ipswich(or Ipshit as we like to call it)
  24. Neil

    Chav Speak

    Just walked around Ipswich town centre(I know Decimus,it's a hole but I couldn't avoid it) and of the very few english voices I heard one said to his mate in fine gangster twang "I'll pick Paris & Jody up and drop 'em round,innit" 'Sigh'.....how did we end up like this?
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