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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Ungrateful cunt,he's going to be odds on for a gold medal at the the next spaz Olympics and all he can do is moan.Should be made a law,cyclists worldwide need fucking chainsawing.
  2. A boy eh? Fuck me there's going to be a race every time the poor little fuckers nappy needs changing.
  3. I call my cock my snooker cue,I can then ask the missus to "put some bottom on that" Just fucking fuck off.
  4. It' the chocolate starfish that Punkers is interested in.
  5. I never thought I'd say it but "Please come back Bill" Its turned into CuntfaceBook
  6. "I'll have a bowel please Carol"
  7. Did they bury him in those fucking shit cords?.....hopefully they did and neither will see the light of day ever again.
  8. Ah,Tony Soprano,I do miss him
  9. Neil

    Collective Nouns

    Wet clothes lower the core temperature quicker,do pay attention in class boy.
  10. Didn't that cunt Nik Kershaw have on of these? Nuff said
  11. Still about Decs,off to the Bird In Hand for lunch then back home for a wank,care to join me?
  12. I'm ok in my bathroom as the sink is contoured perfectly to rest the tackle on (shouldn't do it with a semi on though as the toothbrushes get soaked).The kitchen sink is a bit more awkward though,manageable on tip toe but does crush the knackers if you don' get it right You're welcome
  13. Neil

    The Oscars

    Its a shame they're not being held over here,probably be too white again for some.
  14. Neil

    Collective Nouns

    This says more about you than you know,why naked? clothing would make little difference in this case but it obviously satisies your homosexual needs knowing that a knob on view would heighten your enjoyment Fuck 'orf
  15. Neil

    Collective Nouns

    A Twattery of Range Rover drivers? A Cuntitude of Golfers? A Cuntpool of poofs?
  16. The reason was that welsh cunt in the middle,I would like to shit in his mouth. I think they're winning the obesity race.
  17. That Minching is a sycophantic shitcunt
  18. I ventured out too,walked to the pub,no traffic,no cunt in there.Fucking lovely pint of Ghost Ship.Only cunts tried to go to work Fuck off
  19. Don't do it,you'll be part of the human centipede before you know it,I believe someone called Bill is at the back end currently absolutely chock full of shit.
  20. I think they're referring to the slag that props up the bar most nights in Decs local,not sure if they're related
  21. Neil

    Stephen Fry

    "My White Bicycle" Dan Macafferty Of Nazareth
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