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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Ah,so the nom is about people who name their cars being cunts and you've named yours.....nuff said
  2. That didn't apply to Hector though did it? The miserable fucker
  3. The only thing he had that women wanted was loads of fucking dosh.Ugly,mullet wearing sleazeball that had more cunt than he needed......the lucky,lucky fucker
  4. 2015 Bill FFs!!....that was ages ago,you know,when you used to be funny
  5. Usually women and usually some awful old name like Gertrude or Mabel.Its not a person you fuckwit and the only name a car needs is 'cunt' especially if it breaks down.
  6. Neil

    Scooter muggers

    Most cunts that ride scooters these days are black,How else would we get our pizzas delivered.
  7. Neil

    Goofy Teeth

    Nope,I do have standards you know,very low admittedly but standards all the same.Her out of the Tingtings wouldn't even get it.
  8. Actually I live in the sticks and the just eat app is as much use as a one legged man in an arse kicking contest,no takeaways listed from my house. . .....and that suits me to a fucking treat
  9. Neil

    Goofy Teeth

    Fucking horrible to look at,especially on a woman,repulsive cunts need a visit to the dentist or ill gladly knock the fuckers out for them.
  10. Having just watched the little cunt in action I think he'd have been better off with a tattoo of Tom Daley on his leg,the cheating diving fucking poof
  11. Oh yeah and Ricky Gervais only takes the piss out of spackers and poofs to highlight people's prejudice,not for laughs at all,he really wouldn't mind at all if his programmes were deemed as unfunny. Johnny Speight was a cunt
  12. An anagram of his name is Earrings Helmet....quite appropriate really
  13. I think a better tribute to his dad would have been one final fuck of his mum followed by being shot in the face by a baseball cap wearing,coked up ,gold chain boasting rastafarian
  14. Should 'luckiest' read 'gayest'?
  15. As in 'physically in shape" you mean cos she's a fugly munter
  16. Neil


    I can't be bothered to read 7 fucking pages so if anyone has said this then tough shit "Bismillah no,we will not let him go,let him go" If they haven't then I'm not surprised,it's fucking shit. Fuck up
  17. Neil


    Pens are a bastard,we always get beat by the Germans I'm 'ere all week Fuck off
  18. Unless you're an under 10's coach in which case it's a fucking bumfest overload,hard tackle indeed.
  19. Gareth Bale looks like a monkey,does that count?
  20. Wasn't it his jam with the golliwogs on it?....no wonder he diversed to barley water the racist cunt
  21. Neil

    My left foot.

    There is an advantage to playing at Old peoples homes .....even if you're not funny the audience still piss themselves!
  22. Neil

    My left foot.

    I know some cunt who took their spacker to some faith healer who claimed that if they were dipped in the 'special' lake with healing powers they could cure the little flid,On arrival they lowered him in his wheelchair into the holy waters by hoist and after 30 seconds under water he was raised back up and Hallelujah,a miracle had occurred........he had two brand new tyres on his wheelchair I'm off all week Fuck up
  23. Fuck all wrong with Norwich........as long as you stay away
  24. N..........R,the word no one wants to call a black man Neighbour Bye
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